ZenKai Anniversary Special

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Zen smiles as he looks at his peacefully sleeping husband, wrapped up in blankets, looking so cute. It's really cold outside so who can blame his sweetheart? He leans over to caress Kai's cheek but frowns as his hand makes contact with his burning skin. Oh no!

Kai was feeling unwell last night and slept early. Zen thought he's just tired because he was busy the whole day, wrapping up all the college work to take an off for today to celebrate their anniversary. It's barely eight right now so he decides to let Kai sleep for an hour more and presses a light kiss on his forehead before getting up to do his morning routine.

He gets busy preparing a healthy breakfast when his phone starts ringing. A smile forms on his lips when he sees his cousin's name pop up on the screen. Video calling this early in the morning? He shakes his head. He has one crazy family.

"Yes, kiddos?" He greets the super excited Dean and Keit. He knew they would be together!

"Aye, big brother, we're all grown ups here."

Zen laughs at Dean's words which makes both the younger guys pout.

"Well, you get a pass for today." Keit says and he and Dean share a look before turning back to look at the camera again.

"Happy anniversary!" they both scream on top of their lungs and it makes Zen smile ear to ear.

"Thank you so much."

"Where is professor Kai?"

Zen rolls his eyes. Kai will forever be a professor to Keit. They've tried a thousand times to get him to drop the professor title but to no avail.

"He's sleeping. He has a high fever so I don't think we'll be able to attend the Christmas party."

"Oh no! Is it serious? Should we come over?" Keit asks worriedly and Dean nods in support.

"No, no. It's not serious. I'll take care of him, don't worry. We'll just spend time at home."

"Good idea. You both have been so busy recently. Spend some alone time together."

Zen smiles at his brother and they wish each other Merry Christmas before ending the call.

Time to wake up his husband!


"Hey, sweetheart... wakey wakey!" he whispers in Kai's ears who squirms, trying to get away from this person bothering him.


"Go away!" a whine leaves Kai's lips which makes Zen laugh. He touches his forehead and it's still warm. "Please, wake up, my love. You have a fever. Eat something and then have the medicine and I will leave you and your sleep alone."

Zen smiles when his husband lets out a defeated sigh and rubs off the sleep from his eyes, slowly getting up. "Happy anniversary, honey." Zen wishes and Kai can hear the happiness laced in his voice which makes him smile in return.

"Happy anniversary, hubby!" He's finally able to open his eyes completely and hugs his sweet husband. His head feels heavy though...

"Go freshen up, I'll bring our breakfast here. Or do you need me to help you with the bath?"

"I'll bath myself, crazy husband. I'm not a baby."

Zen chuckles and pecks his nose before going downstairs and setting up the breakfast tray. Kai loves omelet and can gobble it up within a few seconds. Zen smiles when he remembers how jealous he got when Kai said Noah, his best friend, makes the best omelets ever and then he practiced so hard to outdo him. Kai's verdict ended up being 50-50 for both of them. He said both Zen and Noah's omelets have something unique in them and he can't choose which one's better.

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