8) A New Arrival

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Amy wakes up at the sound of her ringtone blaring. She fell asleep pretty quick after her crying session last night. Jake dropped her off at her dorm room and left after thanking her for helping him shop. He did not mention anything about Weston, knowing that it would embarrass her.

Amy picks up the call without checking the caller id. "I need a favor from you, Amy." The husky voice sent shivers down her spine. It's Weston.

"Yes, Wes." She rubs her eyes and sits up straight on the bed.

"Can you please bring your clothes here? The spare ones. It's an emergency. I'll tell you everything, just come here, please." He disconnects the call. Amy is left staring at the wall, her mouth agape. What the hell was that?

She puts her clothes in a paper bag and goes to meet Weston. She knocks on the door and hears a ruffling noise and light giggles. The door opens ajar and a shirtless Weston peeks outside. Amy notices the love bites scattered on his neck, his hair all messed up and when he stands in front of her completely, her heart shatters. He is only in his boxers.

"Thank God you are here. I'm sorry I troubled you this early in the morning but Ella's dress is ripped and she had nothing else to wear." He rubs his head, looking at her sheepishly. Amy tries hard to reign in her tears. She can't cry. She won't!

"The- these clothes." She shows the bag to Weston, her throat constricts, she wants to get away from there as soon as possible.

Two slender arms wrap themselves around Weston's abdomen as Ella peeks out, looking at Amy. "Thank you, ma'am. You brought clothes for me. Your friend here couldn't control himself and ripped my dress into pieces." She giggles as she shifts a little and it can be seen that she has a quilt wrapped around herself. Her neck is also littered with hickeys.

She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heartbeat.

"Here, ta- take them." Stupid Amy! Why are you stuttering? She mentally scolds herself. "I'll return them to you." Ella says, smiling, her hand rests on Weston's chest, caressing it a little. "N- no need. Keep them." She says with a wobbly voice, pushing the bag towards Weston and running out of there.

Weston does not stop her. Why would he? She has no right to look so hurt. Weston's heart burned with jealousy when he saw Jake hugging her. Everyone says Amy likes him but then, why was she with Jake then? He wanted Amy to feel the jealousy. That's why he called Amy over. He wanted her to see him with another girl.


It's their first class in the morning and Stephanie seems to be ignoring Dean. Dean simply scoffs. He will not apologize to her, there is no reason to apologize. She can sulk all she wants.

The class is in a cheerful mood as it is their favorite professor's class. Yes, it's their aptitude lecture and they all are waiting eagerly for professor Kai. Someone else enters their classroom instead of Kai and the students looked at him in awe.

Is he a supermodel? The thought crossed every students mind.

The tall man has beautiful honey colored skin, dark brown hair, his eyes, warm hazel colored. All in all, a drool worthy man.

They all stood up, knowing that he is a teacher. He smiles warmly at them.

"Good morning students. I am Korn Bunpraserit, your new Personality Development teacher. Your aptitude professor is absent today so I'll be taking the lecture today. I have some test sheets with me. Let's have a quiz." The students groan in unison and Korn chuckles, distributing the sheets to them.

No one likes surprise tests!


"Ugh! Why did I choose to do engineering?" Mitch groans and slams his bag on a chair. "Move it, Mitch! I also have to sit." Keit picks up the bag and drops it on Mitch's lap.

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