2) The Popular Ones

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"God, this is the worst first day ever!" Keit cries as he searched in his room for a needle and thread, still in his bath robe. A button fell off his shirt and now he was panicking. A bad start of his first day. In half an hour, he has to report to the college and he doesn't have a shirt to wear!

Dean went to his room half an hour ago to get ready. His room is right in front of Keit's.

A knock came on the door and he rushed to open it, praying it was Dean.

"Whoa!" Dean was greeted by Keit throwing his body on him and hugging him tightly. He entered the room taking Keit along with him and closed the door.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" Dean asks and Keit releases his hold on him. He looks so stressed and this worried Dean.

"What happened?" he asks, cupping the younger's face tenderly.

"My uniform is ruined. I don't have anything to wear." Keit replies dejectedly. Dean picked up the shirt thrown on the bed and saw one button missing. He tried hard not to laugh. His boyfriend is really in panic mode. He walked towards the closet and picked out another shirt and held it in front of Keit who looked at him in shock, his mouth forming an O.

He mentally face palmed himself. There are three set of uniforms given to every student. Damn, it totally slipped his mind.

He took the shirt from Dean and rushed towards the bathroom, his face red in embarrassment. Dean laughed silently and waited for him to get dressed.

Keit came out after a few minutes dressed in the uniform and started combing his hair while Dean leisurely waited for him on the bed to get ready.

Dean hugged him from behind when he got ready and pecked his cheek a few times.

Hmm, these grey pants don't look bad. Keit thought.

"Good luck for your first day. Don't be nervous, okay." Dean says and he turns a little in his hold. Dean understood what he wanted to do and leaned in to give him a soft kiss. He controlled himself because he can't let Keit roam around in the campus with swollen lips.

A loud knock on the door forced them to break their kiss and Keit looked at the door in confusion.

Who can it be? He doesn't know anyone here.

Dean opened the door and Ohm entered the room with a mischievous smile on his face. Keit smiled at him and waved happily.

"Did I interrupt anything?" he asks knowing that he did. Dean wanted to smack his Best friend's head but controlled himself. Ohm laughed looking at Dean's annoyed face.

"I thought if I don't come and get Dean, you both will start making babies already." He says making Keit blush fifty shades of red and Dean smacked him across his head.

Ohm has an attractive built. Tall, and handsome. The fair guy with chestnut hair. His warm brown eyes always radiating happiness.

"Kitty boy, you nervous?" Ohm asks to which he nods.

"A little." Keit says and plops down on the bed.

"Ahh, don't you worry. Everyone will be as nervous as you there. All are freshmen. Talk to everyone and make a lot of friends. Don't let anyone scare you..." Ohm trailed off and Keit's mind stuck on one sentence, Don't let anyone scare you.

"Scare me? Who will scare me?" he asks. Dean narrows his eyes at his best friend.

Stupid idiot, scaring Keit like that!

"I mean don't get scared by the seniors. They are students here, just like you. Respect them but don't consider them your boss or something. Third years are jerks. They troubled us a lot when we were the freshmen. Almost made us their slaves. We are not that cruel. We'll just have a little bit fun." Ohm winks towards Keit who had difficulty digesting this news.

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