25) Jealousy Strikes!

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Kai groans and moves, eyes still closed, not wanting to wake up just yet but freezes when he feels arms around him and knows they don't belong to Zen. His eyes snap open and he looks at Korn who is still out cold. He closes his eyes again and hisses in pain as his head feels like it's about to explode.

He waits for a few minutes and then slowly pries Korn's arms away from him. He takes a few deep breathes and then slowly gets up and thanks the holy heaven when he does not feel dizzy. He can't believe he got drunk last night!

He walks out of the room and plops down on the sofa, not knowing what to do. It's awkward being at someone else's home and waking up before them. ugh!

Luckily, Korn walk out of the room after 15 minutes, looking adorable in his bed hair, rubbing his eyes.

"Here you are. I thought you left." Korn yawns and plops down next to Kai.

"Nah, I didn't know what to do so I just came here." Korn chuckles at Kai's response and gets up, pulling Kai along with him.

"I'll give you a new toothbrush." Korn laughs when Kai breathes an oh, thank god in relief.

"I'll wear my last night's clothes after the shower. Thank god I didn't sweat much." Kai says as he stuffs his face with the delicious dumplings he made with Korn.

"Thank god we were constantly in the presence of the mighty lord, Air conditioner!" Korn rolls his eyes.

"You are a fun drunk and have no filter in your mouth." Korn teases Kai starts to whine like a school kid.

"Dude, what did I do? Come on, tell me! and you are not allowed to tease me if I did anything embarrassing last night." Korn starts laughing hysterically as tears starts flowing from his eyes but tries to control himself when Kai glares at him but to no avail. He bursts out laughing again.

"Yeah, yeah, keep on laughing. I'll eat all the dumplings!" Kai snatches Korn's plate and hurriedly eats them as Korn tries to take away his plate but failing miserably. That's what you get for laughing at me! Kai thinks as he finishes it all and Korn breathes deeply, finally managing to stop his laughter.

"The only funny thing you did is puking your guts out after dancing like a madman. Hell, we all were dancing like madman but boy Kai, it was your first time drinking and it seemed like you're insatiable!" Kai's face turns red after hearing Korn's words. Looking like a drunktard and then behaving like one too. Good going Kai. He scowls at himself.

"It wasn't even embarrassing so don't worry." Korn reassures him.

After finishing the breakfast, Kai goes to take a shower and Korn checks his phone for random stuff. It's Sunday so he is not in a hurry to get ready. Kai can take all the time he wants. One article in his phone catches his attention and he can't help but click on it. The title of the article is to be blamed. Kai gotta see this!

"Why do you look so surprised?" Kai asks as he comes and sits next to Korn who is way too engrossed in his phone and is staring at it wide eyed.

"I didn't know Zen is famous. Well, I never keep track of business world so-" Kai snatches Korn's phone from his hand before he can finish speak and checks what is he talking about.

Wongsuwan tops the most successful business tycoon list for the third consecutive year and rules the most desirable bachelor list five years in a row.

Bachelor, my ass! Kai rolls his eyes and continues to read the article.

Zen Wongsuwan is a well-known name in the business world. This man has taken over the map and has already achieved more than anyone of his age. He is not only a standard bar for the business world but for the ideal groom too. His popularity among the females is well known and many girls' name made the headlines alongside his as his potential wife but they all turned out be failed guesses.

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