Epilogue- Zen and Kai❤

456 21 94

1st January 2029

In the wee hours of the morning, Kai and Zen are peacefully sleeping in their bed, dead tired because of the party they attended last night. It was a huge celebration and friends and family were invited. There are so many great things going to happen this year and everyone was just so high on Adrenaline. They all chatted and danced and just enjoyed till almost 2 am and reached home an hour later.

Kai is awoken from his deep slumber when he feels a tug on his night clothes. He groans and turns away, hoping the tugging will stop but it doesn't.

"Papa, wake up!"


A small whisper reaches his ears as someone shakes his shoulders. He huffs and rubs his eyes. There is no winning here. He has to wake up. He slowly opens his eyes that meet with the sparkly silver ones which belongs to his baby daughter, Niyati.

Yes. Niyati Wongsuwan. Their first born. They decided to have a child by surrogacy and Zen is her biological father.

Kai smiles sleepily and holds the smiling baby's cheek who looks so much like Zen. The man really has dominant genes. The silver eyes, the beautiful, soft black hair, fair skin. She's a mini Zen.

"Happy Birthday, my princess." His baby turns 3 today.

"Thank you, Papa!" the little girl giggles and hugs him. Kai readily takes her in her arms and embraces her, in hopes that she will fall asleep comfortably and will let him sleep too but she is too hyperactive to stop.

"We have to make pudding. Wake up." she holds Kai's finger in her tiny hands and attempts to pull him up. His daughter is such a cutie.

Kai did promise her that they'll make pudding together today but not this early. He picks up his phone from the nightstand and checks the time. 5:30 am. What? Why is this child up so early?

"Baby, Papa is very sleepy and tired right now. We'll make the pudding in a few hours." Kai says or more like slurs as he's already falling asleep. His daughter is not having any of it as she pokes on his chest again.

"But I want to make it now!"

Oh god. Someone, save him!

"Ask you Dad." his eyes are closed so he can't see his daughter pouting which works in his advantage. He won't be able to deny her then.

"But Ashy is sleeping on his chest." She whines as she snuggles closer to her Papa Kai.

Ansh Wongsuwan is their second born and will be celebrating his first birthday this upcoming May 31st. Kai is his biological father. The baby inherited the warm brown eyes and the tan skin from his father though his skin tone is a shade lighter than Kai. He has dark brown hair. One can even mistake them for black. Zen always says when he grows up, he'll be a fine, handsome gentleman who will have everyone's heart.

Kai opens his eyes and looks at his sleeping husband who is holding Ansh protectively. The baby is sleeping peacefully over his chest and the sight makes Kai smile. Kai tugs the blanket down from his boy's nose. Or else he'll suffocate. He then looks at the princess who is snuggling him and starts caressing her hair. God has blessed him with such a beautiful family.

Baby Niya falls asleep, much to Kai's relief who then closes his eyes and travels to the dream land once again.


Kai finally wakes up, feeling refreshed. His body aches a little but nothing a warm shower can't heal. He checks his phone again and then sits up immediately. Holy shit, it's 11 am!

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