22) Salted Wounds

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Kai is hurriedly getting ready because he got the notice about an urgent meeting of all the teachers of Computer science and engineering and the director himself will be present there. He is sure it's about Ella Rose's suicide case.

"Remember to come back home early." Zen reminds Kai and plants a small kiss on his lips before leaving for work. He has to report early to the company headquarters to prepare for the final meeting that will seal the biggest deal for the Wongsuwans. Kai is finally ready and hurries down the stairs but is stopped by none other than Boonsri. Now what? He wants to scream but he just looks at her in confusion.

"Come to the study room. I have to discuss something important with you." Boonsri says and walks away. Kai stands there as his mind tries to register what she just said. He shakes his head and follows her to the study.

"Sit" she says and pours a glass of water for Kai. "Here, drink it." Kai eyes his mother-in-law suspiciously but drinks the water nonetheless.

"See Kai. I'll be straight forward with you. I need you to divorce Zen." Kai leans back in the chair and massages his temple. Again with this bullshit! He stands up, ready to leave the room but Boonsri hurriedly runs to stand in front of him.

"Stop Kai. Listen to the whole thing. We are going to close a huge deal with the Andersons. They have offered us a great deal. We'll own seventy percent of the business if Zen gets married to Sophia, Their family's youngest daughter. Narong and Zen have put their heart and soul in this deal, working day and night without any rest. It will be a huge milestone for us if we get this seventy percent.

Sophia can give us our heir, you can't. We want our family legacy to continue. It can't be done if you're with my son. Nothing good comes out of this marriage. You also know, Zen will never acknowledge this marriage publicly. Why do you want to stay married to him when he's ashamed of it? Have some self-respect, boy. I'll give you all the money you want. Just leave my son." Kai closes his eyes, trying to breathe. If he stays here even for a second, he will snap. He walks away without replying.

Boonsri watches him walk away with gritted teeth. Such a shameless man!


Keit groans as sleep slowly leaves his body. He nuzzles into the warmth, not wanting to wake up already. His eyes snap open when he feels a soft caress on his back. He finds himself face to face with a firm chest and he knows whom it belongs to.

"You're up." Dean's soft voice reaches Keit's ears, making his heart pound in his chest as he realizes he is buried in Dean's arms. Keit slowly looks up and meets Dean's gentle gaze.

"You were whimpering in your sleep and only settled when I held you." Dean explains before Keit can question him or rage at him. Keit nods and slowly pulls himself away from Dean's hold. Dean lets him go reluctantly. Never in his life he thought he would have to explain why is he touching Keit.

Keit can feel how distressed Dean is but he chooses to ignore it. He noticed how Dean's face contorted in pain when Keit pulled away but he had no words of comfort to offer him. Dean brought this upon himself and now he can deal with it on his own.

Keit checks his mobile and is shocked to see it's bombarded by notifications of missed calls and tons and tons of messages. All are from Theo. Keit calls him and Theo instantly answers.

"Keit! Thank God you called back. I've been calling all of you nonstop!" Theo yells from the other side.

"What happened?" Keit is now worried. Dean is standing close by, listening in the conversation.

Theo tells Keit everything that happened last night and Keit is frozen in shock. Ella was assaulted.. Those bastards!

"That senior, Archie and I are in the meeting room, A-block, building 3, first floor. We're waiting for the board of directors to come. I'm so scared."

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