6) It's Complicated

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Zen Wongsuwan, the oldest of the current generation of the Wongsuwans, one of the most eligible bachelors is given the responsibility to handle the headquarters of the Wongsuwan Empire.

His relatives try very hard to get him married to a beautiful woman and settle down but he doesn't seem to give in any time soon. All the wealthy families were ready to marry off their daughters to him, they were just waiting for a yes. In any of the family or business events many siren looking women tries their luck, just to fail miserably.

People naturally feel attracted towards him. He is the best in what he does. He is a force to be reckoned with in the business world. He is also one of the most loved people by the employees. He has earned their love and respect by his fair and unbiased way of handling them.

He had a colorful student life. He was always surrounded with girls. All trying to woo him. Some girls had genuine feelings fort him which he whole heartedly respected but didn't accept their confessions because the feelings weren't reciprocated.

The person who won his heart created a havoc in his life, straight up announcing war with the girls who tried to seduce him. Zen first tried to push that person away from him because he knew their love will never be accepted by his family. He deliberately hurt that person.

Once he realized the damage he caused, when he saw that person breaking down in front of his eyes, he knew, he can no longer keep up the act. He has fallen irrevocably in love with that person and needed to mend his mistakes.

That person who stole his heart and is still its owner is none other than Kai Wongsuwan, his husband. Zen just had to have him. He did the only thing he knew would make Kai his forever despite the resistance from his family. He married him. He tied the knot with him secretly, in the presence of his sister and Kai's parents and then took him home.

His parents were shocked. His mother even slapped him and then fainted after shouting at him. But there was nothing they could do to separate the two husbands. Divorce has never happened in the Wongsuwan family. Marriage is sacred and anyone who tarnishes this pure bond will be punished severely.

It was a big step but he took it. He was once in a serious relationship with a girl and even introduced her to his parents but they did not accept their relationship because the girl was from a middle-class family. They insulted her which led to their break-up. he wouldn't let this happen to him and Kai so, he bound themselves together for life.

He has to keep their marriage a secret to protect their family business and reputation. No matter how much advanced the world becomes some things are often a hard pill to accept. Just because of his relationship he cannot drown his family name. He himself never came to out as bisexual publicly because he is scared of the disgusted stares that will surely be directed at him.

He knows it hurts Kai. The way he is kept behind the closed doors but still he accepted this part of his life. Unknowingly he hurt the person who matters to him the most and he could do nothing to rectify it. He knows his mom is a little hard to deal with but he hopes that Kai has the strength to put up with her. His father has already accepted their relationship so it keeps his mind at ease.

They've been married for two years and these years have been the happiest of his life because they included Kai.

He is now hurrying back to the mansion to seek for forgiveness from his husband because he did not make it up to their date for the fifth damn time. Fifth consecutive time. He was literally racing down the streets to make it home as soon as possible.

He parked his car with a screech and ran inside the castle. He climbed the stairs two at a time but his steps came to an instant halt in front of the closed door of his room. He took few deep breathes and opened the door and stared at the sleeping figure on the bed. It was just 10 pm which was way too early for Kai to sleep during weekends.

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