31.1) Pain and grief

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Keit's whole body trembles and his blood runs cold. He somehow manages to rush towards a beaten and battered Dean who is struggling to remain conscious.

"Deano! Who did this you? oh my god!" a sob leaves Keit's lips as he moves to cradle Dean's head but stops. He isn't sure if he should move his head or not.

"Keep your eyes open, please." He pleads as tears flow from his eyes, his heart thundering in his chest. He hurriedly dials the college's emergency number and screams. He cries out and asks for help, begging them save his Deano.

"We'll be there any minute. Calm down." The operator tries his best to calm Keit's nerves but all in vain. Keit and only think about his boyfriend who is hurt and suffers from fatal injuries. Keit's clothes, hands and face are all bloodied as he caresses Dean's face and reassures him.

"Help will arrive any minute now. Please don't close your eyes. Hang in there." He tries to remove the shards of glass from Dean's face when an ambulance arrives. The medical staff of the college runs towards them, all clearly horrified seeing a student in such a condition.

Everything next happens in a blur. Dean is put inside the ambulance and Keit also follows. The staff pulls the glass shards and try to stop the bleeding of a now unconscious Dean. Keit holds Dean's hand all the way to the hospital, praying in his heart for Dean to be okay. Dean is rushed to the emergency room and the faculty calls his parents before the police. They know who Dean Wongsuwan is and want to leave the decision of filing a case or not to his family.

Keit explains everything that happened and the doctors conclude that this is a case of physical assault and they will deal with accordingly.

Keit is curled in a corner, crying silently, waiting for Dean's parents to arrive. Within a few hours, Dean's parents come rushing to the hospital and immediately make their way towards Keit.

"What happened, Keit? How did he get hurt?" Somchai asks after helping Keit get up from the ground and making him sit on the armchair.

"I- I don't know, Uncle. We were in the parking lot and realized we forgot our mobile phones so I- I went up to collect them. When I came back, Dean was nowhere to be found. I searched for him and found him, found him all be- beaten up." Keit bursts out crying as the image of Dean's bloodied form flashes in front of his eyes. Preeda sits next to him and hugs him, trying to calm him down while her husband goes to find the doctor.

"Do you have any idea who did this to Dean?" Keit shakes his head and Preeda sniffles, nodding at Kit as an okay. Somchai walks towards them alongside the doctor, both having a serious discussion. Preeda wipes her tears and approaches them and Keit follows.

They have kept Dean in 24 hours observation period and tell that Dean is lucky that his nerves and skull aren't damaged. Dean has lost a large amount of blood so they will have to do blood transfusion as soon as possible and these 24 hours are crucial for him. Seems like Dean's scalp split open because of his hard fall to the ground. If the bleeding were because of an intentional hit, Dean wouldn't have been this lucky.

He has injuries all over his face because of the glass that pierced through his skin, fortunately, not that deep. Keit thinks it happened when the assailants broke the windshield of the car. His lip is split open too and has various bruises all over his body. His poor Deano.

Preeda bursts out crying as she hears about her son's condition and Somchai is instantly there to comfort his wife. The doctor asks them to be strong and reassures them that they will try their best to save their son. Dean's father goes along with the doctor to sign the permission forms and other formalities.

Keit sits back on the armchair, shivering and crying as he wonders how he will survive these gruesome 24 hours. Please God, don't let anything happen to Deano. This is the only prayer that leaves his lips as he brings his knees to his chest and wraps his arms around them, shaking back and forth.

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