13) That Boy From Mechanical Engineering

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Amy and Gina are at a constant look out for Stephanie and Keit. They both flinch every time Stephanie grabs Keit's arm and drags him to meet various people. "Is she really going to involve Archie?" Amy asks Gina as they both sip their mocktail.

"We both know she will." Gina casually replies though she really feels bad for the junior. He didn't even do anything to Stephanie. She is just taking out her frustrations on him.

"Hey, Amy, Gina." Weston approaches the two beautiful girls dressed in red. "Hey, Wes. Nice to meet you. I'll just check out the food corner. Bye." Gina leaves hastily leaving an open mouthed Amy and amused Weston behind. Amy curses her friend in her mind for leaving her alone with Weston. She can't even look him in the eyes anymore without the image of that girl wrapped around him flashing in her mind.

"You look gorgeous." Weston compliments her without stuttering even though he is very nervous. Thing aren't the same between him and Amy after the disgusting stunt he pulled that oh so fateful day. He still shudders in disgust for himself when he remembers how he displayed his sex life in front of Amy. He cannot sleep properly anymore because Amy's face full of anguish haunts him in his dreams.

He cannot deny his feelings for her anymore. He got the wakeup call by Gina when she dragged him away a few days back and lashed out at him.

"I know you're an asshole but I didn't know that you're a heartless bastard too. Whatever you did to Amy is not cool man. I know that you know Amy likes you. Anyone with eyes can tell that. If you don't like her, it's fine but you don't need to flash your sex life in front of her.

Just think how will you feel if you're in her shoes, huh? Imagine having a huge crush on her and seeing her in the after-ex glow, wrapped around another man. How will you feel?" that's what Gina said to him that day. He didn't respond. Gina walked out saying he is hopeless.

Amy, wrapped around another man? His blood boiled at just the thought of that happening. No one is stealing away from him. He likes her and he will have her.

"Thanks. You look handsome." Amy complimented him back and gave him a small smile. She fidgeted under Weston's intense stare. Why is he here and not flirting with someone? He wants some help?

"Do you need anything?" she decides to ask.

"I- uh- yeah. It's been days, we both haven't talked much so I wanted to spend some time with you."

"Umm" Amy didn't know what to say. Can she tell him she was avoiding him purposely? She can't. She never confessed to Weston so she can't blame him for doing PDA in front of her.

"Amy!" Gina come rushing back and grabs her hand. "Sorry lovebirds. Something important came up. I'll have to take Amy away with me." and within a blink of a second both the girls disappear leaving a confused Weston behind.

"What happened, Gina!" Amy asks as she is being dragged away.

"Girl, Stephanie took Keit somewhere with him. I can't find them. What if she took him somewhere isolated to get beaten up by Archie in the name of the challenge? What will we do then? I will die of guilt if we didn't do anything to save him."

"Oh no! What will we do now? Should we tell Dean?" Amy is also panicking.

Both the girls frantically search for Dean who is nowhere to be seen. Their hearts are ready to beat out of their chests. "Look, they're back and Keit is alive!" Gina says overdramatically. Amy scowls and elbows her but sighs in relief. She really thought they'll find his corpse somewhere. She shudders at the thought. Wtf, Amy! Don't think like that.

"Oh, thank God. Now, I can enjoy the feast." Gina sways a little, showing how relieved she is and drags Amy away towards the food stalls.

Stephanie drags Keit out from the dark corner and joins the party again, a bright smile plastered on her face hiding her evil intentions. Keit on the other hand, looks miserable. All the color has drained from his face. Stephanie's words are still ringing in his ears.

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