26) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!

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Warning- Mature Content!

Keit looks up at Dean from the bed, the latter's eyes displaying rage and lust together, creating a beautiful yet dangerous storm in those hazel pools. Before Keit can say anything, he is pulled by his leg roughly and is in close proximity with the lion who is ready to pounce at him, dominate him and tell him who he belongs with.

Dean's face is now just an inch away which makes breathing a little tough for the younger boy. Keit's own eyes are swirling with need and there is a hint of something wild in them which makes Dean lose his control.

Keit's jacket is ripped off from his small frame and Dean let's out a frustrated growl when he sees more layer of clothing to removed. The younger is too occupied in the hazel eyes which show how much he is needed by the older to even try and undress himself.

Dean removes his sweatshirt and inner first and then proceeds to remove Keit's clothes, eyes raking over the soft and glowing skin which has now turned a little red. Keit also drinks in the sight of the muscled god in front of him, his hands itching to feel the toned abs.

Dean doesn't keep the younger waiting for too long as his warm lips decend on the length of Keit's neck, nipping, sucking and feasting on it. The satisfactory moan let out by Keit makes Dean smirk. He holds Keit's waist possessively and trails kisses to the other side of his neck, leaving dark red marks on its wake.

Keit's hand travels towards the broad back, scratching it whenever his neck is bitten a little harshly and the other hand caresses the soft black locks as soft mewls leave his lips. He arches his back, wanting more from Dean.

Dean leaves Keit's neck after he is satisfied and a proud smirk makes its way on his face when he looks at the love marks he left.

Suddenly, Keit pushes Dean on the bed and manages to climb his waist and sways his hips right over Dean's clothed manhood, earning a groan from him. Keit wastes no time in slamming his lips to Dean's and the latter takes over the kiss instantly. Dean's tongue enters Keit's mouth without any resistance from the other and tastes every nook and corner accessible.

Dean's hand slowly travels down Keit's back, under the back of his pants and boxers, giving a hard squeeze to one of his butt cheeks which elicits a sultry moan from Keit.

Both of their lips are locked in an aggressive kiss, Keit matching Dean's passion as their teeth clatter, tongues fight for dominance. The only sound in the room is of them moaning into the kiss.

Dean gets excited when Keit gives a firm squeeze to his chest, the evidence clear underneath Keit's bottom, poking him. Dean flips them so that Keit is now lying on the bed and he is on his knees, removing his jeans. Keit shamelessly ogles the semi naked man in front of him, biting his lips when his eyes rake over the prominent V line, disappearing under the boxers.

Dean is finally out of his clothes, all naked in front of Keit who is now drooling. The sight of the proud manhood in front of him makes Keit shudder. It's been so long..

Keit gulps and the action is not missed by Dean. He hurriedly gets rid of Keit's pants and boxers too and just wants to slam inside of Keit, owning him, marking him but he resists. For Keit's sake.

Dean gathers Keit in his arms and takes him to the bathroom. He starts the shower, setting up the temperature while Keit looks at him with hooded eyes. His whole body is now flushed as he realizes how wantonly he just behaved with Dean. It's not his fault his man is a sex god.

Once the water is of right temperature, Dean turns towards Keit who is now shivering, because of cold or because of his intense gaze, he doesn't know.

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