Bonus Chapter- It has never been easy for us(1)

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After facing a lot of difficulties, Zen and Kai are finally together. Not officially though but they have decided to give it a chance. Zen has accepted his own feelings for Kai. Major credit goes to his jealousy when he saw Kai with Joseph.

Kai never planned to be in a relationship with Joseph again. He is in the past. When Zen started spending more time with that girl, Sana, Kai was heartbroken. He didn't know what to do. Zen just straight up told him to forget about him and move on with his life. Kai knew Zen is pushing him away because of his family but it still hurt. He even kissed Sana in front of him and that shattered his heart.

Kai was left all alone and that's when Joseph stepped in accompanied him. Kai told him that he should not expect anything in return because the feelings are long gone. They broke up and Kai has no plans of continuing anything romantic with him. Joseph, being the sweetheart that he is, said he understood and won't do anything that makes Kai uncomfortable.

Joseph left no chance of being sweet to Kai or touching him, acting like a boyfriend whenever Zen was close by. Kai knew what Joseph is trying to do and he himself wanted it to happen. He wanted Zen to come back to him. And he did. Zen couldn't take anyone else trying his luck with Kai. Possessive asshole!

Now, Kai is running around in his room, getting ready hurriedly as Zen is about to come over. He can't describe in words how happy he is. He has chased Zen for so long and now he finally has him. He is wearing his newest set of black pajamas and grey T-Shirt. Zen said to dress comfortably as they will be at home watching movies and talking and possibly snuggling but Kai still made some efforts and he thinks he looks really good. He looks at his tidy room, feeling proud. Now, what movie should he choose to play?

Zen is not a fan of movies but Agreed to watch when Kai asked him to. Kai is so confused that he is really considering playing a Pixar movie. Well, they're good so...

A doorbell rings, bringing Kai out of his reverie and he runs to open the door. Yes, he is very much excited to meet Zen!

He opens the door and his heart skips a beat as he sees his silver eyes devil, his hands full of so many bags. He just wants to hug him and kiss him but he knows he can't. Not right now. Everything is so new for Zen and he knows the silver eyed man needs time to be physically comfortable with him. Kai hurriedly takes some from Zen's hands and invites him inside. His heart starts beating faster and his steps falter. He somehow manages to the bags next to the convertible sofa.

Zen smiles when he notices Kai's nervous self. He himself is nervous too. All of this is new to him. He never thought he'll be romantically involved with a man but here he is, aweing over this amazing man. Though he knows there are a lot of hurdles they have to cross. One being, him being comfortable with his partner physically. He just hopes he doesn't hurt Kai by taking too much time.

"I was just about to turn it into a bed so that we can comfortably watch a movie." Kai looks at Zen and suddenly gets nervous.

"I- I mean we can let it be and just sit on the sofa. Converting it is not necessary if it makes you uncomfortable. It's totally alright with me."

Zen chuckles looking at the bumbling mess that Kai is right now.

"I'll go to the kitchen and prepare the snacks. You prepare the bed." Zen emphasizes the word bed and leaves a red-faced Kai behind.

The hell is wrong with you, Kai? Stop being so nervous! Kai scolds himself.

Fifteen minutes later, Zen comes back with two bowls of Doritos and popcorn and some throw away cups. He finds Kai already sitting on the bed, fidgeting a little, nervousness evident on his face. Kai has made the bed so cozy, adding so many pillows and the fluffiest of covers.

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