12) When Life Gives You Lemons

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"Dean!" Keit screams as he barges in Dean's room, startling the latter who was busy arranging his notes. Dean looks at Keit in alarm, keeping his notes aside on his study table he strides towards the screaming boy.

"What happened, Keit? What's wrong?" Dean cups Keit's cheek and looks for any injuries but finds none. Thankfully.

"We have a traitor!" Keit says and drags Dean further into the room, closing the door behind him. "Traitor? What?" Dean is utterly confused. Before Keit could say anything, Ohm comes barging inside the room. Keit looks towards him and snarls.

"You traitor! I thought you are like my brother but no, you are a snake!" Keit yells and charges towards him. Before he could reach the wide eyes, shocked Ohm, an arm wraps around his waist, stopping him on his tracks.

"Don't look so shocked! I'll poke your eyes out! I heard everything!" he continues yelling as Dean looks at him amusingly and Ohm fidgets on his place nervously.

"What are you talking about? What is he saying, Ohm?" Dean looks at both of them and almost laughs when he looks at Ohm's guilty face. The puppy face doesn't suit Ohm at all. Dean was pleasantly amused as it's the first time he is seeing Keit so worked up and ready to murder.

"I can explain."

"I don't want your explanations. You joined forces with that bitch and now you're a dog!" Ohm flinches as these words leave Keit's lips and Dean is flabbergasted. Keit can trash talk well, ehh!

"Stop giving googly eyes to your boyfriend and as him to calm down. He is one feisty Kitty!" Keit stills in Dean's hold for a few seconds and then starts thrashing in Dean's hold again. "Let me go Dean, let me go! Let me show him what happens when a feisty kitty claws his face."

If someone else looks at the scene, it is similar to a scene from Tom and Jerry where the dog was in a leash and Tom was trying his luck because he knew the dog can't reach him and the dog couldn't do anything but bark at him because the leash was stopping him from attacking Tom.

"Whoa, Keit." Dean chuckles as he moves Keit aside and stands between him and Ohm. He still hasn't released Keit because he knows he'll charge towards Ohm again if he does that.

"Enough drama. Tell me what's the deal with you two." Dean says firmly as he releases Keit who is glaring at Ohm with murder in his eyes.

"I was at a Chinese restaurant with my friends because we deserve to treat ourselves after so much of hard work because of exams. Everything was going fine until Stephanie the Bitch arrived and reminded me of the challenge. Seeing her face killed my appetite then and there. Fine, I still managed to eat because we should not disrespect food and then when we come back, what do I see?" Keit stops, looking at Dean intently who is confused why Keit stopped speaking.

"Ask me what did I see!" Keit stomps his leg.

"What did you see?"

"I see Ohm hugging that Stephanie outside the dorm building! He said he understands why she is doing what she is doing? What the hell?" Keit throws his hands up in the air. Dean is shocked. Ohm hugging Stephanie?

He looks at his best friend who gives him a sheepish smile and averts his attention towards Keit.

"Keit, it's not what you think."

"Oh, cut the crap! Tell me your masterplan. Tell me!" he snaps. Hot damn, Keit is really worked up about this challenge. Ohm knows he needs to tread carefully or Keit might bite his head off.

"I was trying to get her spill some beans about her plan for you. We all know she won't reveal the plan until the day of execution but it was worth a try."

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