Bonus Chapter- It has never been easy for us(2)

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The next morning, all the anger fades away and all Zen is left with is regret. He shouldn't have snapped at Kai like that. Yes, Kai was being stubborn, not listening to what he has to say but he was not in the right state of mind. Zen should've tried harder. He just up and left instead.

Now, he doesn't know whether to go to Kai's apartment to pick him up or not. He doesn't think Kai wants to travel alone with him after yesterday. He decides to go to the campus and see if Kai gets there. Either Kai will go in the bus with the rest of the students or will not go at all. If Kai's isn't there, Zen will drive to his place and grovel.

Kai is all smiles as pushes his luggage in the bus, all set for the week-long trip with his friends. He greets everyone and his mood lightens because of the buzz in the environment as everyone is excited for this trip.

If someone looks closer, only then they can see his puffy eyes making him look sleep deprived. He is wearing a dark blue, half sleeved t-shirt and grey rugged jeans. He has decided to not pay attention to anything that happened yesterday and enjoy the holiday. He is fed up of always being on edge and insecure. He has to be happy for himself.

"Kai! Come here. We're taking a group selfie!" a girl from his class calls and he goes towards the group for the picture.

Many girls, mostly the juniors approach him for a selfie and he agrees to click it with them. His eyes dart towards the side where all the seniors are. Already boarding the bus but he doesn't see the person he's looking for. Stop searching for him!

"Popular guy!" Joseph calls out as he runs towards him. Kai smiles brightly and waves at his friend.

"You're alone? Where is the lover boy?"

Kai scowls as soon as that devil is mentioned and Joseph gets the idea that his friend doesn't want to talk about it. Not wanting to ruin the mood, he drags Kai to their other friends as they all chatter happily.

"Okay. Everyone! Get on the bus! It's time for us to leave." A professor announces and they make their way towards the bus. Kai looks back and notices that the seniors' bus has already left and he didn't see any sign of the man his eyes are searching for. He really didn't come, huh.

"Joseph, come here." A professor calls him.

"Yes, sir!"

"Kai. Go inside. I'll be there in a second."

Kai nods and steps inside the bus. He sits on the fourth row, window seat and looks outside, his thoughts drifting away to one man about whom he doesn't want to think, tuning out all the noise coming from his mates who are hollering and enjoying their time.

After a few minutes, Joseph steps inside the bus and makes his way towards Kai. He is about to sit beside him when a hand pops out in front of him, holding the back of the seat in front, acting as a barrier between him and the seat.

Kai and Joe, both men's head snap towards the direction of the owner of the hand and they are surprised to see Zen Wongsuwan standing there with a smile on his face which means business.

Joe has always been wary of Zen. He just scares him for no reason. God knows how he gathered the courage to make him feel jealous. It was like he's playing with death.

The chatter inside the bus has died down as they all are staring at the man no one expected to be here and are pleasantly surprised.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to sit here."

The way these words are said compels Joe to give him an awkward smile and nod his head. Kai shoots a glare at him but Joe would rather not be in this situation and let the two love birds deal with their issue themselves.

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