29) Damage control

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Zen storms in his parents' room, startling the old couple who seemed to be in the middle of an argument. Narong's eyes widen when he sees his furious son. Zen looks like he is about to beat someone up.


"Where were you yesterday?" Boonsri yells before Narong can say anything. Her eyes go wide when Zen stomps towards her, his eyes burning with rage. She has never seen her son this angry. Narong looks at Maya in confusion as she runs towards him and holds the sleeve of his blazer, looking panicked.

Zen closes his eyes and tries to reign in his anger. He can't explode here. He needs to calm down if he wants everything to go smoothly at New Year's Eve.

He takes a few deep breaths and opens his eyes once he feels stable enough.

"Doesn't matter."

"You were with that freak, weren't you?" Boonsri sneers.

"Don't call my husband a freak!" Zen yells, making Boonsri jump in fright.

Narong steps forward and puts his hand over his son's shoulder and gives it a squeeze. "Calm down, son."

Maya rushes towards Zen and holds his arm to restrain him. Zen shakes his head as he his fingers curl into fists. He can't control his anger towards his mother after knowing what she did to his baby sister, her own daughter.

"I want to tell you something." He steps back from his mother.

"What is it?" Narong butts in. By the looks of it, he thinks the situation is about to explode. Zen takes a deep breath before speaking.

"I have decided to come out and tell everyone that I am married to Kai on New Year's party."


No one uttered a single word. Boonsri is shocked and stares at her son with a look of pure horror on her face. Narong is fairly surprised but deep inside, he understands Zen's decision. It was very shocking for him to see Zen drag Kai out of the house and return without him. He thought Kai will be back today but he sees that Zen came here alone. Coming out is the best decision to save his son's marriage.

"What did you just say?" Boonsri finally speaks, shaking with rage. Zen is ready to face her wrath. There is a glint in his eyes which makes her a little hesitant to explode on him.

"I think you heard perfectly well what I said."

"You will ruin and years and years of our family's hard work, you will tarnish our family name, you will just throw it all away because that good for nothing liability is throwing tantrums? I didn't raise you to be a selfish man, Zen!" Boonsri shouts.

"Do not insult my Kai."

"Zen!" Boonsri feels her insides twisting up in disgust when Zen slaps his relationship with Kai on her face. She closes her eyes and tries to calm down. She needs to explain Zen that this decision will ruin his life forever.

"Zen, do you realize what will happen to our business if this secret got out? No one will want to associate with us. No matter how much modern our society gets but deep down, man being together with another man is still considered abnormal."

"I know mom. I know. If our business gets affected because of my marriage, I will walk out. I won't let you all suffer because of me. I won't let our family name be tarnished."

"What are you saying, son?" Narong walks towards Zen, making him face him and holds his shoulders.

"Dad, I have made Kai sacrifice everything for this marriage to work. In the end, nothing is ever enough to satisfy everyone. If this keeps going on, Kai will end up losing himself and in the process, I will lose my husband. I can't let it happen. It is about time I take responsibility and be the man he deserves.

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