Reminiscing the past- Part 2

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Keit lies awake in his bed, his body burning up with fever, eyes red because of excessive crying. The tears have now stopped but his heart is still in pain.

The college authorities called his parents and informed them about Keit's condition. He asked them not to but professor Kai was adamant on giving them a call. His mum freaked out but he tried his best to reassure her.

He was sent back to his dorm and wasn't allowed to sit for the exams. The teachers told him that all the students who won't be able to give these exams for certain reasons will be given a new schedule. It relieved him big time. He was in no condition to write anyway.

It's been five days since his panic attack and his mum calls him daily to check on him and apologize that she can't come to him right away because of some work. Whenever she said that she's less worried because Dean is there to take care of him, he could hear his heart crack. How will he tell her that they are no longer together?

His friends came to visit him daily for at least half an hour but they can't visit today because tomorrow's a very tough exam and here he is, lying in bed like a corpse. Sleep doesn't seem to come as he drowns in the memory of him and Dean, yet again.

It's a fine Sunday morning and a fourteen year old Keit is helping his mum preparing for breakfast and his dad is setting up the dining table. The Wongsuwans are going to visit their home and Keit can hardly control his excitement. Dean calls him every weekend and they both talk about their week. It's been weird for Keit for a while. His heartbeat oddly increases whenever Dean comes and he feels something weird in his stomach.

They both have always been very affectionate with each other but now both of their breath hitches when they come close to each other and can hardly manage to look in each other's eyes. Something is changing but Keit couldn't put a finger on it.

After the painful wait of two hours Dean arrives at his place with his parents and it takes all the effort for Keit to not jump in excitement. A bright smile makes it's way on Keit's face and Dean mirrors his expressions.

They are all enjoying the brunch as the dining room is filled with hearty laughs and giggles. The parents have a good time talking and gossiping while Keit and Dean are lost in their own world, trying to steal food from each other's food, Dean almost winning but giving up after looking at Keit's pout.

They both run out towards the play ground as the sun starts to set for a volley ball match with the neighborhood kids. Their team wins and they both start jumping while hugging each other. When Keit realizes how close Dean is holding him, he freezes. It's nothing out of the ordinary for both of them but it still has something unusual about it. A good kind of unusual which makes both of them flustered and slowly remove their hold from each other.

Keit and Dean talk nonstop about their week, about school, about their friends. They are so engrossed in talking that they don't even realize that it's time for bed.

They both lay on the same bed in their respective corner. The space in between them seems big enough to accumulate the entire world. The tension could be felt in the air. Keit is busy shying away from Dean when an arm reaches towards him and gently taps on his shoulders.

Keit looks at Dean with shy eyes, his face heating up a little for the reasons unknown. The soft yet hesitant look that Dean gives him makes his breath stuck in his throat. Keit is a little surprised to see that Dean has shifted closer to him, just a small distance left which Keit knows Dean wants him to close. There isn't any need for words. Keit knows what Dean wants and shifts closer to Dean which makes the latter smile brightly.

It is the first time that Dean rounds his arm across Keit's waist and spoons him.

The flower of their innocent love slowly blooms without them realizing.

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