33) Hold me tight

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Kai is officially pissed. He waited for Zen the whole evening to come back to the condo. He tried calling him and the calls went unanswered so he called Maya who said that Zen left office two hours ago. It's midnight now!

The only reason he's not freaking out is because he got a text from his husband, thirty minutes ago.

Sorry, love. I have some business to attend to and it will take a lot of time. Go to sleep early, okay. Don't wait up for me. I love you.

Keit is also not here and is just bored because he has no one to talk to.

He'll kill Zen in the morning!

Kai decides to go to sleep because it's no use waiting for Zen to mysteriously appear. He remains restless the whole night, tossing and turning on the bed, cursing Zen in his mind. That stupid man!

Sleep comes with great difficulty and his eyes open automatically early in the morning. He groans and rubs his eyes which are hurting, refusing to open properly. He checks the time on his mobile phone and it's 8 am.

He really needs more sleep.

Zen is still not back and has not sent any other messages. Kai decides to call him again.

*The number you're trying to reach is currently switched off, please try again later.*

Kai tries not to panic and wait a bit more. He does his morning routine and starts preparing breakfast. What could Zen possibly be doing?

He paces the hall dialing Zen's number again and again, knowing that the call won't be connected. He calls Maya and she says she's taking an off today and doesn't know about Zen. She seems in a hurry and disconnects the call, making Kai frown.

Kai decides to put the food in the fridge as he can't seem to eat anything. His heart is beating so fast he decides to sit on the couch and puts his palm on his chest, trying to calm himself down. Where the fuck is Zen?

It's now 11 am and Kai has had enough. He wears his jacket and shoes and decides to go search his husband.

He opens the door and freezes when a smiling man greets him. Perfectly dressed and looks ready to go on a date. He has a big bouquet of red roses in his hands and his eyes are twinkling brightly. Kai would have drooled if right now his blood wasn't boiling. It is. His first instinct is to slap the smile off that handsome face. He was worried sick here and look at this asshole, smiling like that!

Zen offers the bouquet to Kai who accepts it, gaze still trained on his husband. Getting no rection from Kai, not even a smile, gets Zen nervous. What did he do?

Kai steps back and Zen takes it as the signal to get inside the condo. He stands in the hall, silently waiting for Kai to respond. Kai closes the door and stands in front of Zen, eyes holding the fire that can burn the man standing in front of him at any given moment.

"Where were you?" Kai grits out making Zen gulp.

"I- I- uh.. I was doing some important work in the office-"

"I called Maya at midnight and she told me you left. Where the hell did you go?"

"I was making preparations for today. When I finished it was already too late so I went home because I didn't want to wake you up and my phone was dead and I had to get ready too."

"So, you're telling me you didn't even bother to inform me when you reached home?" Kai's hold on the bouquet was tightening, making a few petals fall down on the carpet.

"I was tired. I forgot. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, yeah. I know how forgetful you are." Kai snarks, hinting towards Zen's past actions of forgetting the date with him.

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