19) Can't Take It Anymore

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The news of Keit's breakdown spread like wild fire. Everyone had their own views about it. Some felt bad for him and some snickered. Keit started avoiding going out in public. He went to class and then straight back to the dorm. He even stopped going to the canteen during lunch. He started spending his break time in an isolated corner where Dean dragged him once. Fortunately, there is a fan in that room.

His friends also decided to accompany him. One of them would get their lunch packed and bring it to that room. They tried hard to cheer up Keit but it was of no use.

Keit is now running around the hallways of his college building trying to search for Professor Vasundhara Nayar. He needs her signature on their project approval form but he can't find her office. He takes random turns but always ends up at the wrong place. He thinks of asking any of the professors but everyone one is in class. He is the only student roaming around the hallways, skipping his chemistry class.

He turns on the left corner when he sees Dean and Ohm walking towards himself. His heart starts racing and his body trembles. What are they doing in the first year students' building? He doesn't want to be bullied again.

Dean and Ohm stop in their tracks when they see a terrified Keit standing in front of them. Dean takes a step forward, barely stopping himself from running towards the trembling boy and take him in his arms. He is left shell shocked when Keit takes a step backward and runs away from them.

Keit runs as fast as he can and exits the building. never in his life he thought that he will be so afraid of Dean. He knows he won't be able to take the bullying anymore. He'll break and there will be no one to pick up the pieces. The one who is supposed to keep him together is the one breaking him slowly.

He comes out of his depressing thoughts when he sees professor Vasundhara on the round and runs towards her to get his form approved.


"Let's go on a date." Amy almost spits her drink out which makes Weston cackle. Their group decided to hang out after the classes but everyone had some or the other work to do so it is now only Weston and Amy sitting at the pizza place. Millie started teasing them as soon as they entered the place making Amy roll her eyes.

Millie greeted them by saying how happy she is that they are finally having a romantic date here. Romantic date? Seriously? They are both in their casual wear. Tee-shirt and casual jeans. Like hell she will ever go to a date dressed like this.

"What the hell Weston! I was about to choke on my cold drink! Don't make such jokes. They aren't funny." Amy scolds him but stops when Millie comes and places their order on the table, still wiggling her eyebrows teasingly at them.

"Who said I'm joking? I really, seriously, whole heartedly want to ask you out for a date." Weston looks right into Amy's eyes and she can see that he is being sincere. He really wants to ask her out. Amy looks away shyly, the intensity of Weston's gaze too much for her fragile heart.

"Amy, listen to me." Weston says softly as he holds Amy's hands in his own lovingly. "I know I have done many wrong things. I know I have taken you for granted but now I want to change all that. I know how I feel about you, Ames. I like you. I like you so fucking much that my heart hurts. I take stupid decisions because my mind becomes incapable of thinking at the mere thought of losing you. Please give us a chance Amy. Please allow me to court you." Weston places a small peck over Amy's hand making her blush.

Amy feels her neck, cheeks and Ears flaming up because of how shy she is getting. She never expected Weston to like her back and she still cannot believe. She is praying for this all to not be an illusion or a dream. If it is a dream then she never wants to wake up again.

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