Bonus Chapter- Boyfriends

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Theo can't be more grateful to Archie for allowing him to rest in his room. He really needs to catch up on his sleep. Facing Ella's parents and telling everyone what happened to the poor girl took a toll on him. He wants to stay in the comfort of his friends but after sleeping and what better place to hide from everyone other than Archie's room?

As they make their way towards the room, Theo notices so many people looking at them, wanting to bombard them with questions, wanting to know every single detail about Ella's case. His heart constricts in his chest again, thinking about his friend, whom he could've treated a bit more nicely. What's the use of regretting now? well, that's all he has left.

No one dares to approach because Archie Ivanova is walking beside him with a face that clearly states, don't you dare approach us. They reach the room and Archie asks Theo to sit on the couch as he brings him a glass of water. He frowns at Theo's tear strained face. He felt so bad when he saw his junior break down in front of the girl's parents.

"Do you want to eat something first?"

Theo's eyes widen at the question and he quickly shakes his head no. He just wants to sleep. He gets up to wash his face and return back only to see Archie making up the bed. That's when a very important question strikes him. Where will he sleep? And an even more important question. Where will Archie sleep?

"What are you staring at?" Archie asks, his voice coming out a bit harsh, making Theo wince. Archie doesn't like when people stare.

"I- I- where will I sleep?"

"On the floor, obviously."

Theo looks down, feeling sad and nods. He could've at least offered the couch.

"Are you stupid? Who do you think I'm preparing the bed for?"

Theo's head shoots up and he looks at Archie with his mouth open. He doesn't know what to say and the senior looks really offended. Why?

"Dude, how bad of a person do you think I am? I saved your ass yesterday from getting whooped and you think I'll make you sleep on the floor?"

Theo's mouth opens and closes like a fish and he doesn't know what to say.

"Where will you sleep?" the boy asks in a small voice and Archie's expressions soften a bit but he's still riled up.

"On the couch."

"Oh, no, no, no. I'll take the couch. You don't need to be uncomfortable." Theo says hurriedly. Archie is already allowing him to stay in his room, he doesn't want to cause him more inconvenience.

"Theo-" Theo cuts him in the middle of the sentence.

"No, please. I don't want to be a burden. I'll just sleep on the couch." Theo says and moves towards the couch. Archie sighs and asks him to wait. He is also tired and wants to sleep so he decides not to argue about it anymore.

He arranges the blanket and the pillow, without giving Theo a single glance. Yes, he is mad. Theo doesn't like this one bit and he doesn't even know why Archie is mad.

Archie leaves for the bed and turns off the lights, not waiting for Theo to lie down, who is left standing there. He doesn't like when Archie gets mad at him, which is almost all the damn time. All Archie does is scold him and make snide remarks. There are times, Theo thinks that he cares but then the senior shows his true colors and pokes fun at him.

Theo just wants Archie to like him...

And he wants to slap himself.

How can he not hate this senior now? He is the one who made his life miserable but now look at him. Wanting some kind of affection from this rude man.

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