24) Painful realization

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As soon as the video of Stephanie destroying her makeup products hit the internet, the student of the college, specially girls go bonkers.

Gina and Amy ring Stephanie non stop but the calls go unanswered.

"Damn, I knew Stephanie is crazy for followers but destroying her makeup products for it? Just to remain in the limelight, unbelievable!" Gina laughs. Amy narrows her eyes which makes Gina shut up pretty quickly.

"Don't say like that, Gina. She's her friend. Just let her do whatever she wants." Amy shakes her head when Gina starts laughing again.

"Girl, she is obsessed with her cosmetics and to see her destroy all of those with her own hands? Let me enjoy, you spoil sport!" Amy groans. Can Gina ever take anything seriously? Amy has no option but to shake her head.

Stephanie, on the other hand is trembling on her bed, eyes filling with tears as she scrolls through the comments on her IG account. All the comments are full of shock and some are even funny. If she wasn't in such a situation, she would've laughed but now is not the time. She is waiting to receive another message from that blackmailer.

Her phone beeps and she hurriedly checks the message. It's a photo of her pen drive in the record office.

Good girl. Task 1 completed successfully and as a reward, your presentation is submitted. Next Task will be given tomorrow. ;)

She screams as she reads the message and pulls her hair like a lunatic.

"When I find you, you bastard, I will destroy your life!" she screams like a madwoman looking at her phone.

This night is going to be so rough for her. She knows. She needs to act smartly. She can't tell anyone yet but she won't let this go easily. She will make this person regret that they ever tried to fuck with Stephanie Garcia.


Archie is at the small tea stall outside the campus, sipping his masala tea when his friends, Mac and Jake make their way towards him.

"Spending your lonely night drowned in tea, huh?" Mac teases, causing Archie to laugh. Archie orders two cups of tea for Mac and Jake too.

"We won't be able to sleep after drinking this." Jake says but readily accepts the tea.

"What's with the long face?" Archie asks Jake when he notices Jake is just staring at the cup. Mac rolls his eyes and folds his hands, not saying anything.

"Nothing." Jake says and takes a sip, making a slurp sound. Mac sighs and whacks on the back of Jake's head, almost making him choke on his tea.

"Our Romeo here, went to the CSE department to meet his brother but saw Juliet with Paris and internally died a thousand deaths." Mac explains. Now, using a Romeo Juliet reference with Archie is a terrible idea because he doesn't know whatever went down with them but he still managed to put the pieces together and understands that Jake saw Amy with Weston.

"Are you okay, lover boy?" Archie asks, feeling bad when Jake's face becomes sad. Failing in love really is painful.

"Yeah, I'll get over it soon." Jake says and mumbles I hope under his breath.

"I don't understand why would Amy choose Weston over Jake." Mac grumbles. He hates that his friend his heartbroken. How can a girl in her right mind pick an asshole like Weston over an amazing guy like Jake?

"Well, I think the theory of girls falling for bad guys instead of the good guys theory is true." Archie shrugs.

"Girls are dumb." Mac declares and receives yeah from both Archie and Jake.

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