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H/c-Hair Color

E/c-Eye Color

F/c-Favorite Color


Ochako was a little nervous,since she didn't want to hurt you,but Tsu told her it was pretty much necessary.

"I don't want to hurt her"Ochako said bouncing you lightly on her knee.

You were giggling happily,as she looked down at you.She didn't know why they couldn't just go to Recovery Girl.

"Y/N Asui-Uruaka"

Uruaka got up keeping you close as they walk in to a room with the doctor.

Tsu distracted you while the doctor put the shot in.You cried once the needle went in,but Tsu praised you for being a good girl.


Deku was really hesitant about your shots,so Bakugo had to take you since he knew Deku would, but not as soon as possible.

He waited quietly,bouncing you on his knee,letting you laugh happily.He didn't want you to get seriously sick,he knew Deku wanted the same thing, but he was nevrous he was going to make you hate him.

Sure that logic is flawed,but he stuck to it.

Soon your name was called,and Bakugo went back with you.

Bakugo was going to get a treat afterwards,since you were teething it probably would be a teething toy or something like that.

The doctor put the needle in and you cried, obviously,Bakugo pat your back for being a good girl,as he puts you on the car,going to get your treat,with you in tow.


Todorki knew it was going to hurt for you to get a vaccine,but he also knew you need it to stay healthy.

They both took you,promising to each other to buy you a toy of some kind,for being such a big girl,and Becuase shots suck.

"Y/N Tododki-Bakugo"

As your name was called,Todoroki holding you walked to where your doctor was.

It was surprisingly Natsou Todoroki's older brother.

"Hey Shoto,I'm guessing this is your little mircale you've been hiding

"Yes,she needs to get her vaccines"

He smiles and takes you out of Todoroki's hands but Bakugo Yanks you back

"No extra like you are going to touch my baby girl'

"Bakugo..."Todoroki aays,

Natsuo agreed just to get it over with.

He stuck it in quickly,and you of course cried.

Bakugo soothed you down before putting you in the car.

They went to the mall and got you a stuffed Shoto plush and a Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite plush(yes that's Bakugos official hero name 🤣)


They went to recovery girl,even if Todoroki's brother could do it,Deku felt better if Recovery Girl did it instead.

Todorki was fine with it, especially if it made his boyfriend feel better.

"Are you here again, what happened this-"She stopped her lecturing at Deku,when she saw the baby.

Her eyes soften "I'm guessing this is (y/n),does she need her shots?"

Deku nodded and handed you to the elderly woman,she carefully gives you your shots not wanting to hurt you too much.

You cried and it broke her heart, she gave you back to Deku who told you were a big girl for getting your shots,kissing your forehead.


Todorki and Bakugo had to take you as Deku was basically resisting the fact you could get very sick from not having your shots.

They knew Deku would hold off on it,until you understand,but that would be a long while.

It wasn't the first time they'd don't this and definitely wouldn't be the last.

Your name was called and Natsuo was your doctor.

He smiled happily seeing that Todorki has infact had a child before Fuyumi.Fuymi and Natsuo made a bet if Todoroki would have a baby before Fuyumi.

He did the shots quickly,so they wouldn't have to wait too long.

He soon finished up and Bakugo picked you up and you went to the mall to buy a stuffed animal,which happened to be a stuffed armadillo.


Both of the moms were very hesitant about getting your shots,they were trying to find a good doctor,but in the end settled on one of the doctors Momo's mom recommended,who took care of Momo when she was a baby.

She takes you in,smiling as she recognized a few of the doctors.Momo's mom was paying for it,just until they got out and became what they wanted to be,she never minded that Momo was a lesbian(Supportive parents)).

They walked into the room with Momo's old pediatrician,he explained that it will hurt her a bit,but it would help in the long run.

He put it in,it of course hurting you,but Jirou sang to you the whole process through,as Momo smiled and made silly faces to distract you.


They decided to just get it done with Recovery Girl,she was a good friend of thiers and had looked over the girl before.

"Hey,do you guys need me to babysit again?"She asked

"She needs her vaccines today actually"Aizawa says,holding the girl

The elderly woman nods,and gets the needle ready before putting it into the girl's arm,as she cried.

She gave her a lollipop


Kirishima and Mina,were concerned that they'd make you hate them for getting you a shot,even though they knew it was the best thing for you,as they walked into the doctor's office, Kirishima was bouncing you lightly on hid knee,as you giggle.Mina smiles worriedly at her boyfriend.

He kisses her cheek,"Don't worry baby,our baby girl will think it was the manly decision.She giggled lightly.

"I guess you're right"

"Y/N Ashido-Kirishima"

Kirishima goes in with Mina as they wait.

He smiled, trying to ease his girlfriend.

The doctor does it quickly,making you cry, which broke both of your parents' hearts.

"Great job baby girl,you were so manly


Denki was scared of this,thinking you'd hate him forever,even though you are really young.Shinsou brought you and after telling Denki,he told him that they'd get you something afterwards.It happened before you could even ready.You started crying and broke Denki's heart

Okay I'm writing this so you understand why Deku is kind of scared of getting your shots.I feel he'd be very worried,almost like Inko.Inko definitely wouldve got him his shots,but most like would start crying when he cried

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