Buying A Binder(MomoJirou)

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You had shown an interest in getting a binder for almost a year and your parents finally decided to take you to get one. Their main concern was that you'd not be binding safely, but after an amount of research they realized you could already be binding unsafely. They also realized if you weren't already, you would probably start if they didn't get you would.

Lucky for them, you weren't binding unsafely. You've tried using sports bras, and as they did flatten your chest slightly, it didn't give you the same effect as a binder would. You did still acknowledge that if you were working out using the sports bra while be best when you're working out and didn't want to feel super dysphoric.

So here you were in the only store that actually sold binders looking for one that wouldn't be too tight. It was already hard to look for bras as you were busty,so your parents already knew it'd be hard to find a binder for you.

They had already measured you with help of an associate but did want to look for a binder themselves.

You scan the shelves looking for something that the associate said was your cup size,only making you even more dysphoric.

Your found one that could be your size,but grabbed a few around the same size just in case.

"I think I'm ready to try some on"You said, not exactly confident you were sure they were actually going to fit right.

To your suprise, while in the dressing room, the bigger size you picked out was one that fit you well, concealing your chest well.

It gave you gender euphoria, being able to have a flat chest, without surgery.

You go back to your parents and get it, as well as a few others in the same size.

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