Middle School

427 1 11

Bullying will be in Bakudeku,Todobakudeku and Kirimina


Your parents had patrol that morning,so you were going to carpool with Hanaki and Haraku.Your parents trusted their dads and this wasn't the first time you've carpooled with them.

Deku pulled up and you got in,you talked to Hanaki on the way there,and compared schedules.

You had only one class with her,and that was it.You were sorta bummed that you wouldn't see your best friend basically at all. You were hoping your friends would be in your other classes.

It would suck to not have them in your classes,as they were the only people you really talked to.

Once you got to school you both went to your first period class,where none of your friends were in there.

Throughout the day you noticed it again and again. Then came lunch,anywhere you wanted to sit,someone said they had friends coming to sit there.

By the end of the day,Tsu came to pick her,Hanaki and Haraku up.

Hanaki and Haraku talked in the back,while you were in the front,being oddly quiet.

Tsu turned on the radio,hoping to hear you sing lightly to the lyrics.

After dropping off the twins,and not hearing you say one thing,turned off the radio.

"Hey what's going on,ribbit?"She asked

You looked at her,"What do you mean?"

"You're not your usually bubbly self,kero"

You had told her about what happened at school and she lisitened as she drived.

"Well that's definitely a bummer,but not kero uncommon for middle school"

You nod.

She continues on about how about as you get older,there will be other situations where that happens and how you'll make more friends and you'll find somewhere to sit.

You both got home,you felt better about what happened and when Uruaka got home,you helped her cook.


Bakugo was trying to get your hair done,while Deku made your lunch. They woke up late,but they had to make sure you weren't late for your first day of middle school.

After getting bc your hair done,and getting your lunch. The three of you rushed into the car,school started in 45 minutes and you lived almost an hour away.

You got there,2 minutes late.Your parents apologized and signed you in,and you got a slip to get to class.

You saw one of your friends,but already being late. You just gave the teacher your note and went to sit down.

When you got to lunch,you had high hopes one of your friends would be there and as they were,when you went to sit down,she looked at you.

"Sorry that seats taken"She said,putting her bag down.

You were confused and a girl you didn't know waved you over "Hey we have a seat open over here"

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