Letter From UA

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You were in your room talking to some friends.

"Well Hanako and I made it into the hero course,we're in 1-B though "Hankaki told you.

"That's great"You said,trying to sound happy for her.

It's not that you weren't happy for her,you were,but you were also envious,she was one of the many friends who had told you she was in the hero course,and here you were waiting for your letter.

"Have you gotten yours yet?"She asked

You shook your head,"Not yet...I'm not sure I got in"

"Y/N it'll happen!They'd be crazy not to accept you!"

"Thanks Hanaki"You said,then heard your name being called from downstairs"my mama is calling me.I'll talk to you later bye"


You ended the call and left your room,walking downstairs to see a letter in your mom's hand.

The letter was addressed to you from UA!You tore it open as fast as you could and red it.

"I'm in.I'm in!"You said,realizing you got into the hero course and you were in 1-A.

"I'm in 1-A like you guys!!"

You couldn't contain your happiness or excitement.

They hugged you,"we knew you'd get in honey"Uruaka said

"You trained so hard,ribbit"

After a while of hugging you called Hankaki back.

"So I got my letter..."You said trailing off,as if you didn't get in.

"Oh y/n I'm-"

"I got in!"

"Y/N that's great!Dont scare me like that though!Did you get in 1-A or 1-B?"

"1-A,just like my parents!"

"Lucky!My parents we're hoping me and Haraku got into 1-A,they're still proud of us for getting into UA though"

You nod,"I bet they were"

You called a few friends,and then your boyfriend.

Kai had mentioned he wasn't going to any hero school,as that wasn't really his passion in life.

He picked up,"hey,got your letter?"

You nod,he smiled "well did you get in?"

"Yeah I did I'm in 1-A"You said not being able to get the smile off of your face."I knew you'd do it"He said.

You end the call after talking for a while.You were so happy.


You were out,taking Ghost for a walk after lunch.That's when Deku saw the mail had came.

He knew you usually checked it after Ghost's walk,but when he saw a letter from UA addressed to you.He couldn't wait for you to get back!

He had to refrain from opening it himself,even though he badly wanted to know if you had gotten in or not.He was so anxious to know.

He didn't want you to be upset that you didn't get in,especially since you trained so hard.

"I don't know Kacchan what if she didn't get in,she's trained so hard for this"He kept mumbling to Bakugo.

"Deku,I'm sure she got in,they'd be fools to not let her in.She worked her ass off to get in."

You soon come inside,after letting Ghost off her leash,you turn to your parents.

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