First Pet

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Tsu and Ochako were getting you a pet for getting good grades. They had thought about getting one for a long time,but didn't seem to find the right time.

"Okay Angel,remember getting a pet is a big responsibility"Ochako reminds for the third time.

"I know mama,I promise to take care of my pet,every single day"

Tsu smiles,as well as Uruaka.You go straight to reptiles,not surprising either parent, you've been obsessed with reptiles,since you learned more about them in kindergarten.You were mostly interested in frogs,you asked Tsu about frogs a lot.

"Mama,Mom look at this frog it's so cute"

"Do you want it"Ochako asked

You nod excitedly

"Alright well whats his name,ribbit?"Tsu asked

"Hmm,how about Hopscotch?"

They nod and bought you him.




After countless days and nights asking if you can get a puppy, your parents finally agreed,hoping it would make you stop asking for a pet.

"Okay brat please get a dog,because Deku and I are tired of hearing about it."

"But what if I don't want a dog anymofr"

"I swear to God just get a damn pet"

You giggle and look at the pets,soon picking out a husky puppy.

"I want this one"

Bakugo picks it up "you sure? Its a Husky, they grow like shit "

Deku sighs,"one Kachan don't cuss infront of her we talked about that and two if she wants it get"

"Please papa,I'll take good care of him,I promise"

He sighs,"fine you can have him"

You hug him, "thanks papa you're the best!"

They get her.

"Well what are you going to name her"The cashier asked,with a collar in his hand.

"Hmm,how about Ghost"

The cashier puts that on the collar and puts Ghost in her kennel.


Suggestion by:InsMatias9


Your two dads were taking you pet shopping as a reward,you've had trouble sleeping alone, after a really bad nightmare, and for a whole week you slept by yourself and they promised to get you a pet.

You were really into rodents at the time, especially rats.

While looking at all of the mice and rats you finally found one you liked.

You saw Mio while there with her dad.

"Mio,hi!Who's this?"

She looked embarrassed,"this is my dad. Dad this is my friend,Y/N"

He wanted to shake your hand

"No thanks You say politely, "I have to go find my parents"

"Wait what are you getting?"Mio asked

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