Coming Out!(Sexuality)

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You had just hung out with one of your best friends at the movie theater, the two of you close.

You noticed you liked her,and you had a great time. When you got home you looked up what you noticed and came across pansexuality and in addition panromantic. You researched a bit,before reaching the conclusion.

You walked downstairs where Uruaka was sitting down watching TV.

"Hey mama?"

"Whats up angel?"

"I think I found something out,I need to tell you and Mom"

She got Tsu,Sligh concerned about what you had to tell them,as it seemed serious.

You took a deep breath,"So when I was with Hanki,I felt different like I loved her. And I've never felt that about any of my other friends or earlier."

They nodded,confused.

"And I remember you telling me it was sorta like love at first sight"

"Yeah,but what does this have to do with what you have to tell us?"

"I'm getting to it,so I looked up if that was something and I think im pansexual"

"Alright sweet girl" Ochako smiled.

You were unreasonably surprised.

"Oh,I don't know why I was so scared"

"We will always love you,kero"Tsu said.

Panromantic Pansexual
Thanks to:VeganMomoJiro


You were with your girl friends at the mall with Inko as your guardian to watch you guys and pay for you and your friend's lunches.

You felt attracted to a few of them. When you got home you went to the internet to see if you liked girls. Though it was obvious you had always liked girls. To your parents atleast,they'd noticed you always rather girl fiends to guys and didn't have a specific interest in males.

You went to tell your parents.

And when you told them,being nervous and scared.

Bakugo laughed,"brat we already knew you were"

You were confused,"Huh?"

Deku nods,"We more or less noticed,when you were younger you suggested to play house but with two mommies."

Your face went beet red "Oh"

"But no matter what we accept you "Bakugo said

Inspired By:VeganMomoJiro


You were hanging with your male and female friends,talking at your house,after they left you noticed a sorta shift. You used to like only one of your guy friends,but this time it was one of your girls.

You looked it up,you know your uncle Denki had married two people,Aunt Jirou and Uncle Shinsou. You looked it up and you were bisexual.

You walked downstairs after finding out what you were bisexual.

You saw Todoroki and Bakugo watching TV.

"Papa,Mama I need to tell you guys something"

They looked at you, you knew Bakugo couldn't always be the most amazing dad.

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