First Day Of Kindergarten

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Ochako took your hand,as she walked you to your first class,you were in your favorite outfit.

You smile as you walk into your classroom,you see a few of your friends off the bat,after hugging Ochako you go and play with Hanaki (Todoroki and Deku's Daughter).

You had a good day,by the time your mom came to pick you up,you were a little upset.

"Did you have a good day?"Uruaka asked

You nodded,"Yeah,I saw Hanaki, and I made so many friends,one named Kurai,he kinda looked like Mr.Tokoyami"You kept rambling on about all the new friends you made.

Uruaka listened and smiled,she was happy you were making so many friends


Deku and Bakugo were getting you ready.The three of you were already late,but they wanted to make you look absolutely adorable,as always.As soon as they finished,Bakugo rushed to her you in the car, and buckle you in,and getting Deku in.

Bakugo almost got a ticket for speeding,as soon as the car was in the vacinity of the building,Deku took you out and walked you in.

Deku apologized for you being late,but you giggled,it was funny on how frazzled your parents could be sometimes.

You sat down next to one of your best friends, Sakura(Ochako and Iida's kid)),you met when you were little and still really good friends.

You made a few other friends,but relatively stayed close to Sakura.

Your parents came after school to pick you up


Todoroki was getting you ready,while Bakugo was getting breakfast ready,they weren't going to be late, they had both planned to be off since it was your first day of kindergarten and already knew it was going to be hard, since most kids have gotten their quirk.

After you were dressed and ate,they took you to kindergarten,they left you there,you saw a few kids playing with a Shoto hero figurine.

"Hey that's one of my dads"You say to the girl playing

"Really?Can I meet them? They're one of my favorite pros"

You nod

"By the way,my names Mio,my dad is a pro hero,not as popular as Deku or Shoto,he's not really well liked"

She had dark purple hair.

You had a great time playing with her and talking about pro heros that you both liked.


The pair was a mess that morning,trying to get you to school and make sure to get on work on time was only a part of it,as soon as you were dressed,they rushed you out of the door.You had no idea why they were in such a rush.Was school really that big of a deal?


You were hiding, you didn't want to go to school, you hadn't manifested a quirk,and you had no friends,kids would make fun of you.You already knew they were.

"Baby come on we're going to be late"Deku said

You stay quiet in your hiding place.

"Come on honey,we need to get you to school and we need to go to work"Todoroki said.

They were looking all over the house for you.

Finally, Bakugo finds you hiding under their bed.He grabs you out while you kick and scream,crying.

Deku consoles you and asks why you don't want to go to school.

"Anywhere I go,I get made fun of,I'll never make friends"You say tears in your eyes.

"Hey don't think like that, we'll make sure you have friends.Anyone who doesn't want to be your friend,isnt worth your time and energy."

You nod as they get you dressed and feed you,before getting you to school


You were really excited to go to school.Your parents might've not been the most popular heroes,but you knew some kids liked your momma(Jirou), because of what she did at the fight festival,and her band.Your mom(Momo) was helping you get dressed, putting you in a white shirt with music notes on it,and jeans.She smiles and kisses your head as she helps you down stairs.

"There's my little rockstar!Are you ready to rock school?"Jirou asks you.

You giggle and smile,"Yeah,I'm going to rock school"

Both of your parents smile,as you eat your breakfast,and you three were getting ready to go.


Mic and Aizawa woke up late, they basically rushed to your bedroom,to see not only were you not asleep.You weren't even in bed.

Eri had gotten up earlier,and with the help of Shinsou,almost had you done and ready.Shinsou had made breakfast while Eri had done your hair and got you dressed.

"Hey dad,Eri thought you guys could get more sleep, she called me over.I made breakfast while she got Y/n ready."

Aizawa nods,still kinda shocked his two kids got his other one ready for her first day


Mina was picking out your outfit, she knew exactly what you should wear,she was pretty fashionable herself.

She smiled "Finally found the perfect shirt!'(or dress if you'd rather)

She gets you dressed and you two go downstairs where Kirishima was making breakfast.It was bacon and pancakes.

They always did that type of thing in the morning,Mina picking out your outfit,while Kirishima made breakfast.

After you three ate,Mina picked you up,and kisses your forehead "have a great day at kindergarten."You smile

Kirishima puts his hand on your shoulder as he takes you to the car, to take you to school.

As you walk in you immediately hear whispering,you try to not look at them,and ignore them.

Kirishima had told you that they feed on attention,so if they think they're getting to you,they'll keep doing it.

"Did she get dressed in the dark?"Someone said,that got to you.

They can insult you,but insulting your mom,that's just straight up insulting.

You wanted to fight them,but you didn't want to be a bully,bullies aren't manly.

You just started crying.

The teacher had to call your parents and they picked you up.

They asked what happened and through sobs you told them what the kids were whispering about.They decided to ensure no more bullying they'd homeschool her


Shinsou made breakfast while Denki got you dressed.He had put your hair in pigtails and a (f/a-favorite animal) print shirt/dress with shorts.

You smile as you eat your breakfast and carried to school.

You hoped kindergarten would be better than preschool.

Shinsou walked your in and your teacher was super sweet

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