Making More Friends (TodoBakuDeku)

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Like the ShinKami one,this is canon,but doesn't count as age up

Your dads were taking you to Luna's house for a sleepover. They were very nervous for it,they didn't know how you'd react.

"Alright remember call us if you need anything at all"Deku said

"I will popz" you say,getting your bag out of the trunk.

"Remember if you want to leave early,no one is going to be mad"Todoroki said.

"I know,dad"You said getting a little annoyed,you knew they were nervous,but it was only for the night.

You give all 3 of them a hug before knocking on the door.

You were anxious of course,but Luna said her friends were nice,and she wouldn't lie to you.Right?

Luna opens the door and gives you a hug,"I'm glad you came,come on I'll introduce you to the rest of the girls "

You knew Luna had a lot of friends,but when you went in,you noticed a lot of the faces from class.

She whispered into your ear "Hey,I know this is new for you,but I promise they're really nice"

You sat down next to one of them,and Luna introduces them to you.

The one you were sitting next to was Shinsou and Kaminari's child,Daisuki.

"Hi"She said

You just waved.

The girl next to her was Kirishima's adopted daughter Aiko.

She was quiet,and didn't seem to want to say her quirk.

You wondered if she was quirkless like you,or just didn't want to make you I comfortable.

The next girl was Ojiro's daughter. She just waved to you as well,she had a tail,like her dad.

The last girl was Shoji's daughter,she looked a lot like her dad.

You all got to talking and you did learn that Kirishima's daughter was quirkless, but was just a little embarrassed to say anything.

The sleepover was actually a lot of fun!You didn't expect to have such a good time,but after getting comfortable with everyone it went pretty fast.

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