Prank Wars!(ShinKami Oneshot)

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This is a oneshot for it,and one since April Fools Day is coming up and no this doesn't count as the age up and is canon to the scenarios!

Shinsou had always fallen for Kananari's pranks. He always was accompanied by his daughter.

However this time Shinsou had gotten her as an ally. He had to bribe her of course,but that was a small price to pay.

"Okay (y/n) remember the first part of the best prank in the world."

She giggled and nodded,what he didn't know is that not only was she working with him,but was also working with Denki.

He had bribed her as well.She had seen a way to divide between both of them.

Shinsou and her made him breakfast. It was his favorite with a small different. It was breakfast pizza,it was basically pizza with breakfast type toppings.

He had changed the tomato sauce with hot sauce. He then made his and his daughters which was normal.

Denki came downstairs "Hey cutie,hey babe" he ruffled your hair and kissed Shinsou's cheek.

He acted like it was a normal day,when he knew it wasn't.

He sat down where he usually did,where the pranked pizza was. He bit into it and immediately went red.

He went to get water,his tounge was on fire! Shinsou was trying not to laugh,as you continued to eat your pizza.

"(Y/N) isn't that burning "

You shook your head,"it tastes fine"

He was confused and looked at his husband."Did you?"

He couldn't hold his laughter back anymore as he nodded.

"Thats straight up evil"

"After you and her put hot pink dye in my shampoo,I think it's well deserved."

"Eh fair "

A few hours later, while Shinsou was asleep,it was time for you to go with Denki.

He needed you for this one as he'd more help you then him.

He superglued a pen cap onto a pen and told you to go ask Shinsou to help you, and you nod.

You eakr him up,sounding concerned,"Papa!I can't open it"

He took it from your hands and tried to pull the lid from the pen, he was confused.

"How the fuck"He muttered under his breath.

"Papa can you get it open?I needa do my assignment for school "

He shook his head,"I can't get it lightning bug,go ask your mama"

You bring it back to Denki who gets the unsuperglued one to you.

At lunch back with Shinsou the lunch was normal but they had a special 'desert' it was a water balloon covered in icing and sprinkles.

Shinsou apologized to Denki for the prank with the 'cake',however Denki ddint fall for it.

You accidentally said "but Papa said it would work"

He looked at you,"You knew it was a prank"

You nod,"yeah sorry I was working with both of you,it's fun to prank you guys"You admit

Shinsou sighs,they didn't ground you,but the next morning your door did have tape on it,to get back at you for double crossing them

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