When its Mother's Day

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I know some of them have 2 dads or 2 moms,but it'll be your birth parent or the one you call mom or whichever I think fits better


Celebrating:Ochako Uruaka

You and Tsu were out at the mall,while Uruaka was out on patrol.

It was Mother's Day,and as you and Tsu wanted to prepare breakfast in bed,the hero commission decided to trample those plans to the ground,she had to patrol late,and do paperwork at her agency.

You came up with one of the best ideas.You and Tsu get things that she likes and brings it to her agency.

You had already gotten mochi,pocky and a few more japeanese snacks.

You also got a few spa type things and a box for it,as well as a necklace.

You kept the spa stuff at home,and put the rest in a gift bag for her.

You and Tsu went to her agency to present some of the gifts to her.

You run into the agency without a moment to waste,Tsu desperately trying to catch up.

"I'm sorry Mrs.Uruaka is very busy right now and can't take visitors"The secretary says.

Almost all of the sidekicks and people working under Uruaka knew she was your mom,everyone except this woman apparently.

"Let me in!Im her child"

"I don't care,she can't take visitors right now,so leave"

You,uncharacteristically,walked right into your moms office.It wasn't professional,but the woman wouldn't budge.

Tsu sent an apologetic glance to the woman before rushing in after you.She knew what you did was wrong,but that doesn't mean it was unjustified.

When you went entered,there was your mother on both sides of her,a full stack of paper work.In front of her a peice of it.

"Mama!"You said,and she looked up giving you a tired smile.

"What are you doing here?"

"Mom and I brought you gifts for Mother's Day!"

"Aww sweetheart that's so sweet,but you really didn't have to"

"Yes we did,she wanted to spend it with you and I wasn't going to let her not do anything to celebrate you"Tsu said,as you nodded

Uruaka sighed,"well how about I take a break and go out to eat with my two favorite people in the world"

She got up and you smiled,she was actually relieved,the paperwork was stressful as is and now she had a reason to take a well deserved break.


Mother:Izuku Mydoria

Your father and you were getting ready to go out to dinner with your mama.

You put on some lipgloss and concealer.It was a fancy dinner,Bakugo only wanting to spoil his green-haired husband for Mother's Day.

He was on patrol at the moment,and had no idea what was planned for that evening .You and Bakugo made sure he knew how much his people liked him,so plans were arranged and reservations were set.The only thing missing was the mother.

Deku came home and you ran up to him with the suit.He looked over at Bakugo super confused.He didn't understand what was going on,he just came home to find his teen daughter and husband all dressed up.

"We're taking you out tonight!Be fast or we'll be late for our reservations"

He nods,quickly grabbing the suit and getting ready as fast as possible putting on a few sprays of cologne so he didn't smell like sweat.

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