Sleepless Nights

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At your first cry,Tsu went right to you.She had been making chocolate pudding in the kitchen,they had a baby monitor in there,for reasons.She picked you up,and rocked you.

"Kero,you'll be okay,I love you,ribbit"Her green eyes looking into your big (e/c) eyes.

You were only a few months old.She rocked you,back and forth.She was being very soft,with you.

Ochako had finally came to your room.

"Tsu?Why are you in here?I can take care of her"She said trying to take you from the frog girl's arms.

"Ochako,I have her,go back to bed,kero"Tsu said,still rocking you.

"Are you sure?"Ochako asked,nervously.

"Yes,now go back to bed,ribbit"

Ochako looked back at you,before finally going back to bed.


Deku heard you crying from the baby monitor and rushed to your room,taking you immediately out of your crib.

"Baby girl,its okay,your fine"He said rocking you.

You had started growing small green hair,and had (e/c).He absolutely adored how adorable you were.Bakugo also loved you.Even if he didnt like how much you kept him and Deku up at night.

Bakugo came in,after hearing you still crying.He groaned as he went to your room.

"Deku,can you get the damn baby to bed or not?"He asked angrily

"She just woke up,Kacchan,shes only a few months old"Mydoria explained,as you were forcefully taken from his arms,into the blonde haired Male's arms.

Mydoria was shocked,he just took the baby out of his arms like it was nothing.He went to rocking you,as you went down slowly,while he rocked you.

Mydoria was shocked,as he put you down,now that you were asleep.

"But,how?"Mydoria asked

"Magic,nerd "Bakugo said,taking the greenette back to bed with him


After your first cry,Todoroki would go to calm you down,you had half red,half (h/c) hair,kind of like him,and he feared you'd have his dad's quirk,or something similar.

He picked you up,softly out of the crib,and sat down in the rocking chair in your room.

He had spent a lot of his dad's credit card money,on just your nursery alone.He was going to spoil you rotten with Endevor's credit card,and love every moment of it.He rocked you in the rocking chair,telling you everything was going to be fine,and he loves you.He didnt want to wake up his hot headed boyfriend.

Once you fall asleep,he does too.

What he didnt know was that his boyfriend had been up and saw the whole thing,he took you from him softly and put you back in the crib.


At your first cry,you were immediately picked up by Deku,who would rock you softly and slowly. You had green eyes and (h/c).

"Baby it's okay Daddy's here,no one will hurt you"He cooed softy.

You were only 4 months old and still very dependent on both of your parents.They both were happy to take care of you,but Deku took care of most things due to his boyfriend,not having a clue what to do.Deku usually called his mom with any questions.

You drift back to bed and he puts you back down

"Goodnight,my little baby"


In a moment's notice after crying,Todoroki and Deku are in your room,telling you everything is allright.Bakugo came in,telling Deku to get back in bed,as he was the one who gave birth.He reluctantly went back in bed.

Bakugo rocked you back to sleep,putting you back down,and with his boyfriend,went back to bed.


At your first cry,Momo instantly came in,holding you close to her,rocking you.

"Hey,baby.Nothings wrong Mommy and momma are here,and we'll never let anything happen to you,we love you baby girl"Momo cooed.

She didnt really know how to take care of kids,but looked up a lot of stuff,to help you.

You looked like Jirou,with dark purple hair,coming out of your head,with (e/c)

You were in a (f/c) onsie,and soon as Momo kept telling you everything was alright rocking you,she put you down

"Goodnight my little rocker "


At your first cry,Eraserhead came up and hugged you,telling you everything was alright,you were wearing a cat onsie to bed.

Mic barely ever took you to bed or picked you up when you cried,because he was loud,and Aizawa thought it'd be dumb,if he yelled scaring their new addition.

It was a fact that both Shinsou and Eri were utterly confused when Mic came in with a baby curled up in his arms.

Aizawa soon put you down,as you drifted back into sleep.

"Goodnight little one,Papa loves you "


You wake up crying.You had pink skin like your mom,with red eyes and (h/c) hair.

Mina came in and picked you up after hearing you cry,it was usually Kirishima who came to your aid,but he was still training.

She rocked you back and forth walking while on the phone with Uruaka who had said she'd take care of you when she could.

She was talking about maybe taking her Saturday,since Mina was supposed to be working and so was Kirishima.

It was hard to make time for you with their schedules,but anytime they could both be home they would.

Kirishima came home,and kissed Mina's forehead.

"Go on to bed,I can handle the little pebble'

She ended the call and gave you over to her boyfriend,before going back to her bed.

They weren't supposed to share a dorm,but Principal Nezu allowed it for your sake.

Mina had calmed you down significantly,so Kirishima did the same thing she was doing,rocking you back and forth

Okay you're confused so here's a key,it'll be at the top for every one after this:


H/c-Hair Color

E/c-Eye Color

F/c-Favorite Color

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