Happy Halloween!

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Happy Halloween,yes this is a chapter but will be very rushed and short

Hi this was written I'm pretty sure in 2020 or 2021 but I should rewrite this for October 2023


Ochako was getting you ready, Tsu and her thought you'd be adorable if you went as a princess,and you looked like Tsu,somewhat frog like. Even if you really wouldn't remember,they still felt it would be nice to take you out and take pictures.

After getting you dressed and changing your diaper,they leave their dorm,as they got permission to take you out for Halloween.

Tsu had gotten her mom to drive them around along with her sibling,Uruaka put you in your carrier, while Tsu sat in the passenger seat next to her mom.

When you finally got to a neighborhood with them,Uruaka got you out of your carrier and waited for Tsu and her siblings,.

She smiled and they walked up to the first door with their lights on.

"Trick or treat!"Tsu's siblings shouted happily in usion,when an old woman opened the door.

The old woman awwed,and complimented their and your outfits,she put the good candy in each of the baskets,the two kids thanked her as they went to the next house on the street.

This would continue on for almost 2 hours on different streets and until the two kids were complaining and you were fussy.


Deku and Bakugo had been arguing about who you'd go trick or treating as,they weren't agreeing. Inko had been letting the boys stay with her.

"Mom,tell him she should dress as me!"Deku said,turning to the older woman.

"I honestly think it's immature for you to fight over this,you two are parents and can't come to an agreement, what are you going to do when it come to something serious?"She scolded

Both of the men looked embarrassed,and talked through it.

Bakugo sighed and asked "do you still have Deku's All Might costume he wore as a kid?"

She nodded and alked them through putting it on her. You looked just as adorable as Deku did.It was a bit big do it was pinned a little to fit your small frame.

After all that was done,your parents put you in your carseat and piled into Inko's car as she drove around the neighborhoods letting them get out at every street to collect candy. It went on for almost 1 hour before you all went back to the dorms.


The bakusquad had tagged along on your trick or treating adventure.Bakugo had gotten his dad to make you a mini non-dangerous version of his costume.

Mina found you to be the cutest little thing, she awwed and went on and on about how adorable you were.

"That's right!Right now she may be adorable but one day she'll be feared by villains everywhere as Queen Explosion Murder!"Bakugo said.

Todoroki was there,but was ultimately ignored by not only his boyfriend's group of his friends, but also his boyfriend. He had tried telling Bakugo he shouldn't try and get his hero name somehow down to his daughter, if Midnight told him no then,there's no way their daughter would get it either.

Despite that you went trick or treating with a big group of people with both parents. Todoroki did eventually get recognized, but all comments about your costume were brushed off as a joke.


Inko watched as Deku as he put you in the costume she had made,was almost enough to make her heart burst into tears.She couldn't believe her sweet granddaughter would be growing so fast,being close to her first birthday already. You were already crawling and everything.All Might had been waiting for him and you,he was on of Deku's idols and wanted to meet his successor's child.

Deku hugged his mom as he left,as he left with his daughter,Inko burst into tears,she couldn't believe how grown up her son was.

All Might greeted Deku,and asked how parenting was going, just making small talk,as they walked onto a street. Many people were starstruck to see All Might, making quite the disturbance which put a damper to the trick or treating leading to it being cut way shorter than Deku would've liked.


Todoroki was getting popcorn ready, as Bakugo and Deku slightly argued about which Christmas movies they should watch. Thankfully for you Todoroki had taken him with you.

He had his fair share of choices but he was never trusted to pick what to watch. He came back with a bowl and 2 bags of popcorn.

"What's going on?"He asked,putting the bowl and popcorn down.

"Kacchan wants to watch Die Hard!I just don't want Aizawa to ban us from watch TV!"

"Im not watching any childish animation shit!"

Todoroki sighed and looked at the movies, sure he hadn't watched any of them, but knew he could probably find one that could work with Bakugo's need for some type of violence, but not so violent Aizaea would most likely ban them from ever watching TV.

That's when he saw it,the only thing he had watched:Frozen.

He picked up the cd,"what about this?Marshmallow attacking Anna counts as violence right?"

Both of his boyfriends looked at him as if he was insane. He'd watched that movie hundreds of times. However they couldn't think of another alternative or compromise, so they watched it,and frozen spring fever and frozen 2.


Momo and Jirou were getting you dressed,it was Halloween and their friends were going trick or treating so the couple decided they should go too. Who care if they're 15?

They decided to go as some type of musical genre. Momo went as classical, Jirou went as rock and you went as show tunes.

They went around with many successes mainly for being with a baby. They only went for about 45 minutes.


They took you with Eri,both of you were princesses to go trick or treating. Aizawa didn't dress up as he didn't exactly see the appeal or really care. Mic on the other hand had gone all out as a king,which made the two little girls giggle.

Eri was happy to be with her sister,and remembered that on that holiday she said Trick or Treat on this holiday.

They went around for about an hour until Eri got tired from the walking


You went trick or treating with your parents, you were dressed as Boo,your dad was dressed as Sully and your mom was Mike Wazoski.

Sure you didn't understand it,but they thought you were as cute as a button. They took you around to houses and it went on for almost 2 hours.


Shinsou didn't want to go out and didn't trust Kaminari to go by himself with you so they watched movies

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