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Was planning to publish this before homecoming and coming back to this book it was already written on so fuck it


You were getting ready you were going with two of your friends who were sorta kinda dating,making you a third wheel for them,not that you minded.

You were wearing a light green knee length dresss with some black flats,while your friends were wearing dresses,one wearing white the other wearing navy blue,they both had a corsage for the other.You found their relationship utterly adorable.

"Come on,let's go down!We're all ready"One of them said and you waited for them to go down since their parents wanted to take pictures

After them takung an unnatural amount of pictures,you came down and your parents took an unnatural amount of pictures you guys got into Tsu's car to go to homecoming.

You three were excited.Tsu had agreed to take you.This was one of the things you looked forward to.

Once you got there the music was pumping,and your friends went to dance,you on the other hand went to get some food,which was free.

One of the guys in your class who you had a sorta crush on came up,"Hey y/n,right?"

You look up and nod,"Yeah you're Kei,rightWe're in science  toghether"

"Yeah,what are you doing here on the sidelines?Why not with your boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?"You questioned,you didn't have a boyfriend.

"Yeah that guy Haruka?"

You chuckle nervously,"Ew no way,hes not my boyfriend,never in a million years.Besides he's gay"

Kei looked embarrassed,"Ah,sorry I just assumed he was your boyfriend since you two are so close."

"Well where's your girlfriend?"You asked,last time you heard gossip he was dating some girl

"We broke up..."He said

"Oh,sorry"You said,now embarrassed.You expected him to hate you for it,being it probably personally and you should've ntoiced he had no boutonniere on his suit.

"Don't be,it was mutual plus I have a crush on someone else,but I should keep it a secret"

He left soon,leaving you with several questions,the one most prominent,was who his crush was.

After eating and drinking some punch,you had fun with your friends dancing and talking.

After a few hours,Tsu picked you all up and when you reached home you told her about what happened with Kei.

"Well my little frog,it seems he likes you,but doesn't want to tell you yet"


You were getting ready to go,you were meeting a friend there,you were wearing a red dress (or red tux/jumpsuit or whatever you prefer).Deku was taking you,Bakugo had done your hair,putting it up(if your hair is long enough).You didn't wear makeup just yet.One of your friends did,but you didn't feel like you should just yet.

As soon as Bakugo finished you looked at it in the mirror,giving him a thumbs up to show you liked it and got in the car.

You were excited to meet your friend.

When you got there,your friend gave you an embrace.

What they didn't know is that friend was actually your girlfriend,Kenji.You both had a corsage.

It was a secret between the two of you,and only Sakura and yourselves knew.

"Hey"You said,smiling sliding the corsage on her arm.

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