First Day of UA!

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Ochako went to see if her daughter was up yet,and seeing she wasn't,giggling gently before waking the girl up,who slowly woke up.

"Come on,get some breakfast before we get to UA"

"UA?"Siddently she jolts up," I go to UA today!I almost forgot!"

Uruaka giggles,"breakfast will be ready when you get down"

She nods,"alright,thank you mom!"

You get dressed into your uniform,looking in the mirror,just soaking it all in and admiring yourself.

You walk downstairs where your parents sit with your favorite breakfast,pancakes!You eagerly gobble it up,before getting in the car to go to your first day.

You were planing to meet up with Sakura,and walk in with her.You sorta wished you two were in the same class,but hey at least you both were close in the same class.

When you get there,she runs up and you two excitedly talk to each other and when you reach your class,you give her a hug and walk in.You noticed your teacher was Shota Aizawa,making you nervous and relived at the same time.You knew him,but you also knew a lot of what happened to your parents when they went to UA.

He watched as everyone came into the class.

"Alright,get into your gym uniforms and go to the field"He said,holding out what their gym uniforms was

You nod and go to the girls changing room,sure it was sudden,but according to your parents,he did something like that thier first day.

As you walk out a girl asked who you were parents were,she seemed eccentric,and had orange long hair and red eyes.

"Ah,my parents are Froppy and Uravity"You say.

"I thought so!Your hair is so pretty "

You smile,"thanks"

She smiles and you all head out to the field.He explained it was a quirk assessment test though many of them were expecting to go to orentation.

A few kids did it before but when it was your turn for the first pitch.You used your tounge instead of you arm to pitch,it wasn't against rules and you knew they'd have to replace the ball either way.

After every test,you got 6th place,being slower in the tests that testers speed more.It was tiring but you did it better then some.

You were proud of yourself and after some classes that were normal and in your opinion:boring.You got to do a class you were actually excited about:hero training.

When you got home you tell your parents how everything was including your hero training,which was taught by pro hero Hawks.


You wake up to not just your parents in your room,but also all 3 of your grandparents and All Might.

You stare wide-eyed.

"Good morning,we're all so proud of you!"Inko said,already tearing up.

Deku looked like he'd burst into tears at any moment.

They left leaving you to get dressed but they were all waiting,Inko had made you breakfast.

You get into your uniform and brush your hair out.You go downstairs and eat the breakfast Inko prepared and of course it was delicious.

Mitsuki gives you your bag and Deku gave you a kiss on the cheek.

As you started to leave,he burst out crying,"my little girl is all grown up!It seems like only yesterday she was born"

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