Rest of the Proposals

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So the last chapter Bakugo and Todoroki are now fiances,so I'll be skipping them and EraserMics


Ochako didn't exactly like lakes,so Tsu was pretty suspicious when she took her to one.

Ochako really wanted to make a great proposal for her beautiful girlfriend.

She had set up a picnic in the most open place she could find.

She had took you with them, obviously.Tsu was really suprised that her girlfriend had gone through so much.

You were watching the water,and while your parents were eating,you tried catching frogs.You had gotten a little muddy,but Tsu thought it was so cute that you were so interested in frogs.You thought you catched one,but it was just a lizard.

Ochako soon decided it was a good time as any.

"Tsu,I have something very important I want to say"She started.

She was beyond nervous,and didn't know of Tsu was ready to get married.

Tsu tilted her head in confusion.

Ochako took a deep breath and got on one knee,she didn't have a ring, not for her yet at least.She took her hand and said "Tsu,I have loved you for so long,and I know this is cheesy, but I hope you will make me the happiest girl in the world and marry me."

Tsu nodded,and took out a ring, she was going to try and propose to Uruaka.

Both girls giggled as you waddled back,a frog in hand.

"What happened?Why you two happy?'

Tsu explained the engagement and what it meant very carefully so you could explain.


Bakugo was taking you and Deku to the first park they ever met at.In never in a million years would be think,hed be proposing to Deku.

He didn't tell him anything,except that he wanted to bring you there because it's where you two met and maybe she'll meet her friend there.

"What if she meets her future boyfriend or girlfriend?"Deku teased

"Whoever she dates will die,she's not allowed until I'm dead"

"Kacchan..."Deku sighs.

You finally get there,and you instantly go play,you knew something special was supposed to happen,but you didn't know why it would be.All you really knew was that you were at the park,and you could play.

The two watch you for a little while,a few other parents were there,but Bakugo wasnt interested in any of them or their kids.

Deku on the other hand was really hoping you could make a few friends.

You talked with a few little girls,but got bored easy.

Bakugo decided to being you over and he gave you a plan,of course Deku was at the restroom.He told you to come over and ask what's in his pocket,to set up a proposal.

You agreed,happily been though you didn't quite understand what a proposal was.

When Deku comes back,you ask Bakugo what he asked you to say.Deku was very confused until the ring came out and he accepted.


Deku was taking Todoroki to the ice skating rink.He couldn't skate for the life of him,but he thought Todorki would like this,he even was able to get his mom there.

He was really nervous,he just didn't want to mess it up for him.He knew he never got to see a real proposal,nor had Deku.He had heard from his mom what it was like though and he wanted his to be very special

After you three of them got their skates on.Todoroki took your hand and taught you how to work and you were basically a natural!Deku was even more nervous,he tried to remember how to stop and everything.

After a while of him failing,he finally asked Todoroki who was super confused but said yes.


Todoroki and Bakugo were going to propose to Deku,they had planned it out to take him on a wild goose chase,ending at his house with you,and their families.

It was a little extreme but they knew they could pull it off if they really tried.

So it started,Deku had came back from school to find a note on the counter and it ended at his house where everyone was there except his boyfriends who appeared,and proposed.


Jirou knew the best way to propose was through a song.She got her band from the UA festival toghether again and she proposed to her that way.

She,of course,said yes


Mina had learned to have a flash mob for him,he was really excited and said yes


It was just a simple proposal

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