What they do when youre sick

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Hey so I might be sick,yes that's my inspiration for making this chapter


You didn't get sick often,you got the occasional cold or sickness,but other then that your immune system was pretty good.Yet here you were,running a fever and coughing up a storm.

You felt weak,you wanted to train to be in the hero course,but you had to be better first.

Uruaka constantly checked your temperature and made you soup.Tsu usually got you medicine and made sure you took it,taking care of her younger siblings she knew what she was doing


Your immune system was okay,you got allergies and shit.

When you're really sick,you do try and train anyways which mama them literally call Inko and Mitsuki to literally make you stay in bed


You had shit for an immune system. You got sick so often,it's almost a joke at this point.You're not overly dramatic or trying to deny it if you're really sick.You do deny it if you feel fine(even if you have a fever)


Your immune system is amazing you're never sick but when you are you deny it.

No matter what you're not going down,you will train yourself unless you physically cannot move.

Your parents worry about you quite a lot.


Your immune system is normal,it does it's best.When you are sick it can suck but your parents try to make it not by letting you watch anything or try out some of your designs on themselves.

You do mostly watch tv or if you're feeling up to it sow.


Your immune system is amazing.If you did get sick it sucks because Al you want to do is play your music,but when sick Jirou will play some of your songs and Momo makes you tea


Your immune system is so great,you barely get sick.

When you do,your parents sometimes send you to school anyways,but if it's bad they kind of leave you home alone,checking up on your every few hours until they got home.


Your immune system was great,though you had allergies and stuff.

When you're sick,you try and train anyways!Not wanting to disappoint your parents,but they are worried about you the entire time telling you it's okay to take a break from training when you're sick.


You have a good immune system.However you deny anytime you're sick,no matter what happens you're not sick.

You don't want to be whined over when you're sick

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