Your Quirk!!!

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The two parents were waiting anxiously for any sign of your quirk,they didn't care what

You soon found our for yourself when you were saving a kid who was about to fall down from a swing with your tounge.You didn't know your tounge can do that, atleast it didn't before.

The teacher told your parents who were excited.

Quirk:Super Tounge
Description:Your tounge can expand and catch things
Drawbacks:Losing taste buds


Bakugo was watching and waiting for his daughter to get his quirk,he was hoping it was something cool, something like his quirk.

What he didn't know was when it'll happen.As you were 5,if you didn't get it soon,you wouldn't have one and be like Deku.

While the three of you were hanging out with the Bakusquad,you were getting a little angered with Kirishima and Mina's son and blew him into the air.

You were shocked, that never happened before.

"Honey,we don't blow people up like that. Especially not your friends"Deku said

"I I don't know what happened my hands never did that before "

Your parents looked in shock,before Bakugo spoke up

"Must be your Quirk "

Quirk Description:Pretty self-explanatory you can blow things and people up
Drawbacks:You can get second or third degree burns

Idea from PaulaFilkovi


Your parents were anxious for you to get your quirk.More Todoroki then Bakugo, he feared you'd get a quirk like his father's. His father didn't know about you yet,and that's because Todoroki feared he'd do to you what he did to him.

You were watching TV with your parents when something scary came on,you went to cover your face but then something happened.

"Was that fire?"Bakugo asked

You look around and sure enough the house was in flames. Todoroki grabbed you and left the house with Bakugo.

He was internally freaking out that you got his fire side.

"Well my little cider,looks like you got your Quirk " He said

You gasp "I can shoot fire out of my hands

Quirk Description:You can shoot fire from your hands and even use it as a shield
Quirk Drawbacks:You can unintentionally burn yourself and things around you


Todoroki was anxiously waiting for your quirk and internally freaking out that is what if you have a quirk similar to his dads?What if his dad trains you like crazy?

These thoughts raced through his brain as fast as the speed of light.

"Hey papa!"

"Yeah honey?"

"I've been-"You sneeze

He furrowed his eyebrows.Was that snowflakes?

"Hey sweetie,have you been sneezing snowflakes lately?"

"Is that what it is?My nose feels cold everytime I I-achoo"You sneeze again

"Well I guess that's your quirk"

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