Getting in Trouble

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Idea by: SilentSerpentine123


Reason:You fought a girl who said Froppy was weak

You and the girl who said Froppy was weak were sitting in the principal's office.You both had scrapes,but nothing too bad.

He had called both of your parents and lectured you about how fighting at school is prohibited.

Uruaka had gotten there,she wasn't mad,but was disappointed, she couldn't believe that you fought someone.The principal said you refused to tell him why,but the girl said she did nothing.

"Come on,y/n"She said.

You had gotten suspended for a week.

You got in the car,shoulders slumping.You knew you shouldn't of fought her,but she insulted your mom.

"Why did you fight her?"Uruaka asked,starting the car.

"She insulted Mom,she called her weak,I know I should've told a teacher,but my emotions got the best of me.

Uruaka sighed,"Atleast you know it was wrong,but you still need to be punished, no seeing your friends for a week"

"Thats fair"You said sadly.


Reason:You accidentally blew someone up,when your anger got the best of you

You were sitting in the principal's office,you had already been lectured by him. You knew Bakugo was picking you up.

When he walked in,he was fuming.

"Y/N Bakugo-Mydoria,get your ass in the car NOW"

You were scared,you knew he would be mad,but he was absolutely livid.

You didn't even know how Izuku would react. He told you not to bully other kids,he told you what it did to him.

You got in the car,and almost burst into tears.

Once Bakugo got into the car,he slammed the door.

"What the fuck were you thinking?I know for a fact we told you it's not okay to bull people like that.You are in big trouble missy.When Deku gets home,we're going to let you explain yourself,then discuss an appropriate punishment for you"

You slump down,your anger got the best of you,and you couldn't remember what happened after,all you knew was the kid was on the ground,your hands burned and a teacher was dragging you by the wrist to the principal's office.

~When Deku gets home~

You had been in your room,basically the entire time since you got home. You were doing your homework as Bakugo took away your electronics, including your TV.


You jump hearing Bakugo's voice roar.You put down your pencil and walk downstairs.

They were sitting at the table

Deku didn't look nearly as mad as Bakugo,but it was evident he was mad.

"Y/N what have we told you over and over again"

"Not to bully anyone,but-"

"Exactly"Izuku says cutting you off,"I heard from the principal and Kacchan you wouldn't explain yourself"

"They didn't let me,I didn't mean to in the first place"

"Well explain then,explain why you blew up a fucling child"Bakugo said madly

"I was just talking with a friend,when a kid came up to me. First it was just rude comments about my hair and how Hinata is ugly.It kept escalating until she grabbed my wrist and burned me,then hit Hanata.I couldn't control myself and I blew her up. I don't even remember what happened next"

You show then your wrist and sure enough, there was a burn mark.

Bakugo went straight to complain to the school,as you only got in trouble went he other kid burned you.

You got a week without electronics as a punishment still.


Reason:You accidentally set off the fire alarm

You were sitting in the principal's office. He wasn't letting you get a word in. Everytime you even started,he'd start a lecture.

You got scared by something and your quirk activated. Todoroki came in and apologized for being late. He didn't seem mad or disappointed.

He took you to the car and asked for your side of the story.

"Well we were in science,the teacher was showing us a really cool experiment,and the end result was surprising and then...ya know"

He nods, "I get it,you couldn't control your quirk"

"Yeah,well I don't think you really deserve a punishment, as you really did nothing wrong. And I'm sure Kacchan would agree"

You nod.


Reason: You accidentally froze a kid

You were sitting in the principal's office,you had a small cold, but no fever so you went to school.

The principal had screamed at you for it.

Todoroki was coming to get you and when the principal told him what happened,dramaticizing it.

He explained you had a cold,and probably didn't mean it,but the principal wasn't listening to him

He took you home saying you weren't going to get a punishment since he knew you didn't mean to do it.


Can't think of anything


Reason:Distracting The Class

You were idly singing a song about cats and after a few minutes,you were taken to the principal's office for distracting the class with cats.

Jirou came to pick you up and explained your quirk.

You didn't get punished.


Reason:Calling out the teacher(aka being a smart alec)

You were in the principal's office because you were being too smart for you own good,in his words.

You can't tell a lie,it wasn't your fault the teacher was wrong.

Instead of one of your parents, your older brother was picking you up.Your parents wanted to,but they couldn't.

Shinsou walked in and took you to his house for the time being,once you told him why you got in trouble,he chuckled.

"The teacher was wrong,and you got on trouble for that, damn public school sucks."

Once Aizawa and Mic got off,you didn't get in trouble, because it was your quirk. (Does anyone else feel like this is sorta CC(A tiktokers oc) quirk.It wasn't based off of her,it was off one of my partners ocs and they let me)


Isn't Applicable


Reason:You accidentally 'hacked' the teacher

You had answered a question for the teacher and accidentally activated your quirk.

You were now in the principal's office,waiting for Kaminari,he was a pro hero,but also acted like a stun gun for the cops.

When he got there,he explained it was your quirk.

The principal said that doesn't matter and you should control it.

So hope this was good and like maybe the last part of the EraserMic one and the ShinKami one was made while i was waiting for a doctors appointment

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