Coming Out(Gender Identity!)

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The song is so catchy and sorta relates with the chapter AND yes i know pronouns don't equal gender identity ,but to make it easier on me I'll use what it usually goes with


You had felt like a girl but also not. It was confusing for you.You always been told that there were only three genders:female,non-binary or male.

You looked it up on your laptop after school and found a term called demigirl.

You decided that's how you felt and closed your laptop,and went downstairs to help Ochako with dinner decided you tell them at dinner.

After about an hour of cooking while you were all getting food.

You finally spoke up,"hey mama,mom I want to say something"

They looked at you,expendingly and you took a deep breath,you knew they accepted you for being pansexual,but this was also a big thing.

"So,uh I was looking at some things on the um internet and I found out something called demigirl,meaning you're not really a girl nor non-binary."

They nod,"so what pronouns do you want to go by,kero?"Tsu asked

"She/They. I still prefer she,but they would be nice too"

"Alright,honey"Uruaka said.

Gender Identity:Demi-Girl


Gender Identity:Cisgender


You were stuck,you had started to experiment with they/them pronouns and as that felt good and right,you still felt sorta like a girl.You told your parents to call you she/her again. This was the 2nd time you've told them to go back to she/her pronouns.

They weren't mad about it in the slightest,they've always encouraged you to try and experiment with your gender.

You looked it up on your phone. If there a was such a thing as being non-binary but also female.

You came across demigirl and pronouns she/they and they/she.

You decided that's what you were and your preferred pronouns were they/she.

"Dad,papa I think I know my gender and preferred pronouns"

They looked at you,"What are they kiddo?"Bakugo asked

"I think im a demigirl and prefer the pronouns they/she"

"Alright sweetheart"Todoroki said
You smile,you now feel

Gender Identity:Demigirl
Inspired By:Ponzu_chan


Gender Identity:Cis
Inspired By:MochaaMilkk


Gender Identity:Cis(was supposed to be generfluid but they have too much going on)


You were experimenting with gender,you knew your parents wouldn't care either way.

You always felt that you weren't female nor male,but in between.

You told your parents who were accepting.

Gender Identity:Non-binary

Can't think of story but pronouns are she/they

Gender Identity:Demigirl
Inspired By:MochaaMilkk


Gender Identity:Cis


Sorry can't think of a story again they/them pronouns

Gender Identity:Non-Binary
Inspired By:longolizzie0

I hereby apologize for how short this is,I'm on some kinda funk so this probably will be rewritten someday

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