First Steps

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You were crawling around babbling and sorta speaking while doing it,as Ochoako took both of your hands into her's pulling you up,softly and lightly,as you sorta walked around.They did this sometimes,to help you.She let go and walked a little father away.

"Come to mommy baby,you can do it"

You stumbled a little towards her holding onto the table,but as you let go you fall.You get back up and wobble a little towards her,falling into her lap.

"Great job baby girl,mommy is so proud."

Tsu got back,she had to stay late for her chosen agency.

"Hey babe,hey princess"She said taking the small girl into her arms and smiled.She kissed her head and put her down,only to see her,support herself on the table where she stood up and walked.

"Great job baby,you did so good'


Bakugo was in the kitchen cooking,as Deku was watching you in the living room as you crawled around babbling something about cats or kitties as you called them.

He decided after a little bit to help you walk.It wasn't the first time, and you actually enjoyed trying sometimes.You pushed yourself up with the help of your dad and the table and walked a little bit away.You use the table as support and start to walk a little, but as soon as you let go you fall.You get back up and fall into Deku's lap.

"Great job,baby girl,Mama is so proud!"Deku praised.

You smiled at the praise.

"What happened nerd?'

"Kacchan!She walked all by herself'

He looked at him in disbelief "Show me'

He put you down and you got up and walked towards Bakugo.

He smiled "Great job kiddo"


((Todoroki is daddy and Bakugo is Mama))

Todoroki was watching a kid show with you.He was immersed by it,it was Doc McStuffins.

Todoroki was immersed by it,and the strange objects she was using on the toys, since doctors didn't usually use them anymore.Bakugo had helped you up a few times,you could get up yourself,but still had trouble when trying to walk like your dads.

Todorki got up to make you some food,and you hold onto the table,you try taking a step,and did another until you were on the edge of the table,that's when Todoroki came in

"Baby it's time to-"He looked at you,walked a little closer and kneeled down,"Come to daddy baby, you can do it"

You let go of the table,and after almost one step fall back down.He walks to get you,but is surprised when you get back up and try again.

He soon stumbles into your lap.

"Baby let's call mama"

He calls Bakugo and tells him what you did.He was so happy.


(Todoroki is Daddy and Deku is mama)

Todoroki and Deku were watching movies as you were crawling around closely,they had helped you get up and walking,but you couldn't let go of something without falling right back down.

You were pulled up by Todoroki as the movie ended.Deku got up and walked a little far away.

He let your arms go as you held onto the table.You take a few wobbly steps out, and let go of the table at the end part.You stumble a little and take out your arms for balancing yourself and start your way over to Deku as both of your parents cheer you on.

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