Merry Christmas

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It's Christmas Eve,this was definitely supposed to be posted by now but I was busy.



You were almost 2 years old.You knew a lot of words,but spoke with a small lisp.All you knew is it was Christmas morning and you wanted to see if you were left any presents.You got out of bed and went to your parents.

"Wake up mommy,mama wake up'

Uruaka was the first to wake up,it was 6:30 am.

"Honey it's really early,how about we snuggle for a little bit and then go check if you got presents,yeah?"

You nod,as you did think she would know when Santa would come.You snuggle up between the two parents as you fall asleep.

Around an hour later,you went downstairs with your two parents, who had just waken up.

Uruaka went to see if he had came yet,and nodded as she opened the door.

You look under the tree to find a few presents for you.

You got a Ugravity plush,a Froppy plush,a few other plushies of your favorite things.

"Tank you Santa'

The two parents smiled and watched as you gleefully played with your new plushies.

Tsu went to make chocolate pudding and Uruaka picked you up so you could watch her make hot cocoa.

You loved being around both parents,and loved watching them work on something,as simple as making you something.


Bakugo woke you up,"Come on, kiddo,Santa brought present"

It took you a few minutes to wake up,but as soon as you did,you were excited,basically running to the living room.

Deku was already there and smiled.

"Did Santa Claus come?Did he did he?"

Deku giggles and nods,"yes honey'

You start looking under the tree grabbing a pretty small present,it was a Deku plush,you giggle and hug it tightly.

"Mama wook it it's you"You said happily

"Mama sees it and he knows"

You open one of the same size to find a Ground Zero plushies.You do the same as you did with Deku's.

You open up another which was your last,it was a smaller copy of Bakugo and Deku's hero costumes.

Deku smiles,his heart basically bursting at how cute you are.


Todorki had no idea what Christmas was,so he let his boyfriend plan everything.His dad never let him have any Christmas plans so Bakugo was determined to make not only your first Christmas amazing but his boyfriend's too,by proposing.

It was the morning of and you were awake and trying to get both parents up,it was 7:30 and you were already ready to open presents and play with all your new toys.

"Daddy!Mama!Wake the fuck up!"You yelled jumping on their bed.

"Brat it's too early'

"It's fucking 7:30 get the fuck up'

Bakugo gets up and gets Todoroki up,wondering why you were so excited about what was going on.

Bakugo explained that you were excited about Santa coming.

He had explained a lot to him already.

He nods as you open presents,all of which you loved and Bakugo proposed to him.

Todoroki was shocked at the sudden proposal, but nodded.


Todoroki had looked up Christmas,but honestly found it kinda creepy,a fat man in a red suit sneaks into your house and gives presents to good kids.

Deku basically convinced him to let you have the joy of thinking Santa was real like every little kid.After a proposal of having Soba for dinner,he allowed it.

The morning of you were jumping on the two's bed,in your defense it was 7am.

Todoroki was the first to wake up,picking you up."Good morning,let's see if Santa came "

He walked with you to the living room and as expected,he came.


You acted as if it was a normal day,since Todoroki couldn't be bothered.


Momo,being richer than she should be already knew what she was getting you.You had all a kid your age could want,a baby keyboard,plushies of both parents and everything else your little heart could want


Eri was excited as you were,she loved Christmas,well when she learned what it was she did.You both got similar presents to each other,neither of you really minded though.


Mina wanted to make sure you had the best first Christmas ever,and she did


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Yeah last 3 were quite rushed,sue me.Merry Christmas,Happy Hanukah,Happy Kwanzaa,whatever you celebrate and if you don't happy normal day to you

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