1st Birthday Party

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H/c-Hair Color

E/c-Eye Color

F/c-Favorite Color

I'm hoping to write two parts today,very long parts however,so dont get your hopes high that two will be out today.Also sorry if prospective changes crazily,I write these in fragments a lot so I might forgot. After I finish I most likely will edit it,or even when I have no ideas


Ochako never had a great grand party,but that didn't stop her from wanting only the best for her daughter's first birthday. They were having it in Aizawa's classroom with his permission. They only invited a few classmates,mostly the Dekusquad and the girls.

Most of the class had seen their daughter already,and thought she was absolutely adorable. You were dressed as a princess,since those were your favorite things.

Tsu picked you up "Baby girl,happy birthday "She cooed.

She changed your diaper and got you ready.

Ochako saw her girlfriend and baby girl.

"Hey,babe,kero"Tsu said as she gave Ochako you.

"Hey my baby"Ochako kissed your nose.

They went to UA and into his classroom.

Deku had gotten there early,to set up for the two moms.

"Thanks Deku!"Ochako exclaimed happily.

"It's no problem!I figured you two were busy with (y/n)."

Momo and Jirou walked in,with a present.

"Hey girls!"Ochako said as she took the present and put it at the table they were using as a present table.

As everyone got there,they started with food,which was all princess themed.

Momo giggled at how cute it was decorated.

After they ate,they started cake,which everyone sang happy birthday to you and then you(with help from Tsu) blew out the candles.

Everyone got cake,including you,who took it with your hands,smashing it into your mouth.Ochako giggled and wiped off your face.

They opened presents.You had gotten a onsie from Deku,a new princess dress from Momo and Jirou.Mina had gotten you a Snow white baby doll.Todoroki,well he didnt know what you'd like,Iida got you math flashcards.Toodru got you a fake car.


Your birthday party was at Deku's house.Mostly family was there,including your grandparents.

All Might was including,not really family,well not to most,but Deku definitely considered him a part of his family,because of training

Not many people were there,mostly becau se you didnt know anyone,and the parents didnt want to overwhelm you.

The birthday was hero themed,including your parents,and pro heroes.

The balloons had All Might,Eraserhead,and Bakugo on them.

Inko wanted to spoil her granddaughter.

The party may have been small,but the love was overwhelming.

"Deku shes so adorable"Inko said as she brushed out your small hair.

"I know mom,she is adorable,I love her so much!"Deku said as he tickled his small daughter,wearing his old All Might onsie.

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