Your First Crush

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This will include both male & female crushes not saying this will be their sexuality,just based on the internet

TsuChoko (Crush:Haraku,Tododeku son)

You were in class,you would sometimes look at Haraku,but you didn't know why.

You spend most of class watching him,butterflies in your stomach.

At lunch you sat with him and Hanaki.

Anytime he told a joke,you would laugh,even if no one else did. You found him hilarious.

During recess you two held hands and played together,it was the most fun you've had in a while. You didn't want it to end.

However, all good things come to an end,and your parents come to pick you up. You hug Haraku tightly before leaving,waving at the rest of your friends.

"What was that hug about?"Uruaka questioned

"I think I like him"You said quietly,twiddling your thumbs.

"So you have a crush,kero"Tsu asked.

"Yeah, I I have a crush on him"You said with a small smile.

BakuDeku(Crush:Sakura Iida)

You were sitting at lunch,sitting with your best friend Sakura. You always admired her for being so smart. It was almost a shame she was in 5th grade, being able to skip a grade.

Still you felt different about her,more than just admiration.

She started talking about a boy she liked,and you felt jealous of him. You didn't even know him,but just knowing she liked him made you feel sad,and mad.

When your parents picked you up,you told them what happened and asked  if it was normal

"Sounds like young love,honey"

"What?I don't like her"

"Believe it or not,brat,you seem to have a crush on her"

"So what I was feeling was love?"

Deku nods,as Bakugo starts to drive, it set into you. You loved Sakura.


You and Mio were hanging at your house after school. You weren't allowed to go to her house.

You two were talking while you fed Remy.It was about boys.You had no idea why she wanted to talk about boys. You didn't see boys as anything other than gross,except a few in your class.

You looked over at her,after putting Remy up.

"So you like boys?"

"Well only one in particular in our class"She said shrugging,"why do you not find anyone attractive in our class?"

"Not really,most of the girls are snobby and the select few who aren't I only see as friends and nothing more."

"Oh well"

You didn't exactly tell her the truth,you liked her.


You and Shin were hanging out at his house,after school. You two were doing homework together,and he said he was getting tutored from this cute girl named Aiko.

"Ya know Aiko and you probably would get along pretty well. She's so cool and really smart like you"

You nod,"She sounds really cool"

You felt somewhat jealous of Aiko, he talked so highly of her. He doesn't talk about other girls like he talks about her.

When Deku comes to pick you up,you tell him what happened.

"Do you think you might like him?"

"Shin?No way he's a friend"

"But you got jealous when he mentioned another girl?"

"Yeah "

"That means you either are scared of losing him or you like him "

As he drove,you realized you liked him.


Nope you have ONE friend,I'm not doing it at this time(yes that does mean one day you'll have a gf or bf or s/o just not a crush yet

Momojirou (Crush:Maki)

Your mom had dropped you off for a play date at Mirio and Tamaki's place.

You told Maki about your new instrument your mom got you,she always loved hearing you play or hearing about a new instrument,while she talked to you about her new sketches or dresses. However that day she seemed distracted.

"Maki?You okay?"

"Huh,oh yeah. So you know that guy my dads got me to meet,Hanata"

"Yeah Nejires son right?"

She nods,"Well I think I might like him"

"You do?" You said a bit loudly

"Shhh,my dads don't know yet."

"Sorry"You said quieter

"I can stop thinking about him."

You nod,you liked Maki a lot,but you respected she didn't feel the same,even expected it.

EraserMic (Crush:Akemi)

You were at your house with Akemi,talking about a new book you were reading. She had a cat in her lap but wasn't petting it,as if her mind was somewhere else.

"Akemi! "

She snapped back in reality,and started petting the cat,who happily purred.


"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay,sorry was kinda lost in space there,huh?"

"Whats on your mind?"

"This guy I met at gymnastics. He's so cute and so funny.

You nod,a little disappointed, you liked her.

You texted Eri to come over.

"Hey sis,you wanted me to take come over"

You nod and tell her what happened

"Thats tough,I honestly know the feeling. It's terrible and heartbreaking when they don't feel the same way,but one day you'll get over this and develop a new crush and maybe they'll like you back"

You nod and hug your older sister,who hugs you back.

KiriShido (Crush:Akemi)

You and Akemi were at dance practice together.

While warming up,you,Akemi and a few of the other girls talked about people you found cute.

When it was your turn you said a random name of a boy at your school. Though you wanted to say Akemi.You knew it wasn't manly to lie,but you knew Akemi liked someone else,so it couldn't of hurt to tell a small white lie,to save yourself from embarrassment.

ShinKami Crush:Daisuki

You were at Daisuki's house,she was about a year older than you,she was talking about girls in her class. She had figured she liked girls more than guys before most people did.

She lingered on one girl for a while,saying she was so pretty and so nice.

You nod, trying to make it not apperant your heartbroken. You liked Daisuki quite a lot and didn't want to make her feel like she was the fault you were upset.

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