Your First Words

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While at school sitting in Tsu's lap as she was taking notes,you playing with her fingers on her left hand.Aizawa kept lecturing about hero training and you were babbling a little.

"He..hero.Hero"You said as all eyes laid on you.You kept babbling as everyone looked at you.

Soon,Tsu let you down in the playpen that Aizawa had in his room.You crawled around playing with small toys around.


Bakugo was letting you crawl around while he was fighting with his mom.

"You old hag!I told you the way I raise my kid is my fucking way!

"BAKUGO KATSUKI!That's NO way to talk to your mother,you fucking disgraceful child"

Deku had to step in"Uh,guys,y/n can hear you"


"Deku.."You mutter,as Bakugo laughs his ass off.

"Looks at that, she learned from me"He smiled

"Kacchan she's making fun of me,like you still do"

"So?She's adorable,plus she doesn't even know what it means"

"But what if.."

"Deku,it's fine,also you made it your hero name,I'd be proud if this kid knew my hero name"

Deku just nods and leaves the room,as you keep repeating the same word,Deku,proudly.


You were around the Bakuquad.They were fighting, verbally.Denki had said something that upset Bakugo and now some were getting if I'd get physical or not.

Mina bet 20 that it would and Denki would go into 'yay' mode.Sero said it would but Bakugo wouldn't go that far.Kirishima said it wouldn't get physical.

"Fucking Chargebolt,I know you don't think King Explosion Murder was too agressive"

They had just got their hero names.Bakugo was most angry he couldn't get the one he thought he deserved.

Mina covered your ears,not wanting your first word to be a cuss word,but it was too late.

"Fuck"You said loudly,as the Bakuquad was shocked.

Bakugo started laughing his ass off,"Oh my fucking God.Her first word was fuck,this is amazing"

"Bakubro, it's not that funny,her first word us a cuss word,how would Todoroki react?'

"It's not like she said Endeavor,he should be happy it's not.He fucking hates his damn dad"

He left his squad,holding you, taking you back to the dorms with him.He went to Todorki's dorm first,you were still happily babbling the new word you had learned.

He went in

"Hey Icyhot looks like our daughter learned her first word,as soon as you uttered it,he was shocked.

"How?Why?Her first word is a cuss word'

"Yep,I was fighting with Denki about my hero name,guess I got a bit too angry'

"Okay,that's it,she's not allowed to be around you,your family,or your friends unless I'm around'

"Oh come on,it's not like her first word was your dad's name"

"Still,her first word is the most important thing at her age, other than walking'

Bakugo rolled his eyes,almost shoving you into Todorki's arms and left.

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