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All except Todobakudeku's


Tsu and Uruaka were always cautious of sleepovers,not because they didn't trust your friends. It was more their parents, as they had grown up with most of them.

Well they heard Hanaki was having her birthday sleepover,and they trusted Izuku and Todoroki, they decided that would be the best,especially for your first sleepover.

"Remember call us if you want to go home or need something"Uruaka said

"And Remember to respect Mr and Mr.Mydoria-Todoroki. They are taking care of you,kero"

"I know Mom,and Mama. I'm not going to disrespect adults, I don't do that. I'm a good kid"You said,they'd been giving you rules before you even left the house"

You grabbed your bag from the backseat,giving them both a hug,before going inside.

Hanaki gave you a big hug,"I'm so glad you could make it!Are you spending the night?"

"Yeah,my parents let me"

"Thats great!"

She introduced you to the other girls,and some of her twins friends,since they were here for his birthday.

After the party a few girls left,and you made quick friends with a few of them. Some didn't even go to school with you two,but she met them at the park or from her parent's friends.

You watched movies for a while before going to sleep.


Bakugo and Deku were dropping you off at Kenji's house.

"Remember to be polite to earphone jack and ponytail " Baiugo said

"I will"You said,before getting out

You wondered why they didn't trust you, as you knocked on the door.

Kenji opened the door and wrapped you in a hug,which you hugged back. You two had grown to be almost as close as you and Sakura.

You walked inside,with your bag full of clothes and other stuff for you.

She had let you into her mom's studio(with permission from Jirou of course),to show you how well she could play.

You had to admit you were jealous of how well she could play,but you knew her parents had been showing her for years.

After a few minutes,and more girls getting there and the party getting started.

You talked to a few of them,mostly the girls from school you knew.

Soon enough she got her presents,one of which was a new gutair from her mom which by far was her favorite.

After about 3 girls left the slumber party was more or less initiated,you all stayed up until 2am


You were having a sleepover at Mio's mom's house,or so your parents thought.

She had really wanted to have a sleepover with you at her house,but your parents would say no,unless they thought it was someone else's house.

You and Mio came up with a plan on the day,her dad would pick her up you'd be dropped off and picked up at her mom's.

"Remember to be nice to her, she's welcoming you into her house and she deserves respect " Bakugo said.

"And if Mio's dad comes,don't talk to him,he's a pervert"Todoroki said.

"I will remember and won't talk to Mio's dad"You said

"And call us if you want to come back home,we know this is your first one"

"I know" you said,as your dads dropped you off.

You get your stuff and run towards the house,hugging Mio.

She was happy to be with you and meeting you.

"So turns our dad's not allowed to pick me up"


"Mom got full consent,after yesterday's court meeting"

"Oh,well atleast we don't have to find what we were going to do"

She nods,"Come on I'll show you my room"

She ran up,but her mom scolded her telling her to walk which she apologized as you followed her.

Her room was a little smaller than yours,but you guessed it was because her mom wasn't a pro-hero.

You both stayed up until 1 am.


You were having a sleepover at Aimi's since your parents were going to be out of town, and Jirou volunteered.

She was a single mom by choice,but didn't care. She knew you and Aimi were friends anyways.

You knocked on the door and Jirou opened the door welcoming you into her house.

Aimi had no idea you were even coming and looked over at her mom confused.

"(Y/N)'s parents are going out of a town and I volunteered to take care of her"

"Oh,so she'll be sleeping in my room"

"Pretty much yeah"

Her face turned as red as a tomato

Jirou chuckled and told you to go put your stuff in Aimi's room.

After getting over the initial *gay* panic,she was happy to have you there,and showed you her newest instruments.


Momo and Jirou had to go to a mission out for 3 days,which they hadn't told you what it was,worried how you'd react.They dropped you off at Maki's house.

"So looks like we have a guest for 3 days!"Mirio said.

"What did you mean?"You asked nervously, you've never been away from your parents for 3 days.

He nodded,"You're staying with us for 3 days,you didn't know"

You shook your head and started crying.

Maki tried calming you down,unbeliveing her father didn't know that your parents wouldn't tell you where they were going. After a few minutes you both stayed in her room hanging out and gossiping until 4 am.


Both your parents were worried about leaving you at the R-rated hero's house for the weekend, but she was the only one available while they went on a weekend trip for their anniversary.

Haru knew and so did you. You were still happy for your parents as they were happy together.

They told you to be good for Nemuri. They gave Nemuri rules too,but both were almost sure she wouldn't follow them.

You and Haru spend most of the time in her bedroom,and not going to bed until well after the Crack of dawn,which broke the rule to not let you stay up past 10.


Your parents were going out on date night,and as much as they knew it was risky to not leave you,they hadn't gone out for so long.

They left you with Sero,and his daughter Akemi,after letting you choose to make it more comfortable for you.

Sero welcomed you,but you mostly stuck close to Akemi,only coming down for food,which he understood.

You didn't exactly stay the whole night


Shinsou and Kaminari were having a double date with Todoroki and Bakugo,they left you with Monoma.

He was the only one allowed to,and Shinsou trusted him enough to take care of you.

You stayed up until 10.

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