Your Period

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I had my period at 11,but you'll have it at 10 bc i said so


You woke up in the morning,and used the restroom. Nothing really out of the ordinary, until you looked at your underwear.

There was blood,you instantly started panicking.

"Mom!Mama!I think I'm dying"

Ochako,panicking ran upstairs as quick as she could.

"Whats wrong,angel?"

"I'm bleeding from down there"

"Oh,sweetheart you just started your period"

"But I'm only 10"

"You're an early bloomer that's for sure,but it's completely natural. "

She went to get you some pads and some other things

She helped you put it on from the other side of the door,not wanting to invade on your privacy.

After that was all done,you walked down and went to get breakfast with her.


You were at your Mimi and Grandpa's house,you were eating lunch, and excused yourself to use the bathroom"

You sat down on the toilet and saw blood.You had gotten the talk from your grandma,but didn't know it would happen so early.

You peeked your head out,and asked Mitsuki to come.

She walked over, "Whats going on,honey?"

"I think I started"

"Oh,OH,one second'

She left to get a basket she had made for you when Inko said you got the talk.

It had basic things for your period,as well as chocolate,green tea,a heated water bottle and a few more things.

She gave it to you.

"Do you know how to put on a pad?"

You shook your head and she helped you through the door and you both went to sit back down

"Is she okay?"Izuku asked.

"Shes fine,Izuku. She just started her period"

"Her,she had her"Izuku fainted

Bakugo chuckled "Well,brat looks like your mama's out of commission for the next few days "

"Hes never been good with periods,huh?"

Inko shook her head,"He never has been and probably never will be"

After you all ate,you and your parents went home.


You were at a Mio's house,she was a few months older than you. You went to use the restroom,and noticed blood on your underwear. You went back to her and told her.

"Oh your period"

"My what?"

"Do you know what that is?Your mom-oh right.One second, I'm going to get my mom"

She ran downstairs and came back with her mom.

Her mom sat you down and gave you the talk.

Mio gave you some clothes,afterwards,and her mom went to tell your parents what happened.

Mio helped you through the door on how to put on a pad.

You thanked her and her mom.

She notified you that your parents were on their way.

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