The Wedding

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Tsu and Ochako were getting ready together, they didn't see a point in doing it by themselves, when they were both girls,and help get you ready together.

You were excited.

They laughed.

"Hey angel,come over here so I can help you into your outfit "Uruaka said.

You happily skip over as your mom helps you into your dress/suit.

After that was done, while Uruaka was getting her hair done,you got yours done by Tsu,who just needed her makeup done.

After getting her makeup done,tbe wedding had started,Tsu went down first,followed by you and Uruaka.

You were happy for your parents.

After the i dos and vows,reception started, you talked to your friends from school who were there, as most of the adults talked and got food.


Bakugo and Deku were getting ready together, while the girls were in another room, that did include you.

Inko was helping into your dress/jumpsuit and Mitsuki did your hair.

They absolutely adored you,they thought you were beautiful.

Soon enough the music started and Bakugo went down with his mom,and you came down followed by Deku and Inko.

After the I do and vows, you had cake,food,and talked to your friends who were friends with your parents.


You were getting ready with your grandmas.

Rei was doing your hair while Mitsuki helped you into your dress/suit.

They adored you so much.

Rei smiled "Alright,there's your hair done,my firebug"

Mitsuki smiled as she finished you up.

"Your parents are going to melt seeing you"Mitsuki said

You giggle a little before,sneezing a little.

"Ow"You said,sometimes when you sneezed fire came out.

"You okay?"Rei asked

"Yeah,just hurt myself a little "

The wedding started and you went down as Bakugo went behind you,to many people's shock, you stood behind him, but infront of his groomsmen(and groomswomans):Denki,Mina,Jirou,Sero and his best man Kirishima.((for todoroki it's:Uruaka,Tsuyu,Iida,Natsuo, and his best (wo)man is Fuyumi))

You weren't really close with any of your papa(Todorki)'s family except for Rei and Natsuo.You saw Fuyumi on occasion at school.

After the I dos and vows you ate cake,drank and talked with friends.


You were getting ready with Rei and Inko, sneezing out snowflakes sometimes, you had a small case of the common cold (but the cold never bothered you anyway 😉 )

They helped you into your dress/jumpsuit and did your hair.

They both adored you so much.

Rei kissed your head.

"You look so amazing,snowflake"Rei said.

"My little granddaughter is so beautiful "inko said starting to cry.

The wedding started you stood infront of Deku throwing petals around a little.

After getting down the isle you were behind him,but infront of his groomsmen(and groomswomans):Tenya,Uruaka,and Tsu.


They were getting you ready,you objected to be away from them.

They put you in the dress/outfit Masaru made for you.

They were grateful for him.They did want you to be apart of it but didn't want to overstress you.

Bakugo does your hair.

"Isnt everyone going to look at me?"You ask,already having visions of you making a fool of yourself.

"Honey, it's everyone you are okay with,Grandma Rei is going to be there"

That didn't help,that was even worse.

"Great,ill make a fool of myself infront of people i know"

"Sweetheart, you're going to do great"Todoroki tries to assure you.

"Yeah,if any of those extras dare laugh at you,they have to deal with me"Bakugo said.

You nod,as the wedding starts,first Bakugo and Todoroki go down,then Izuku behind you.

You keep your eyes on the petals,making sure to put a few every step you took,trying not to breakdown infront of everyone,you bumped into Todoroki, before realizing you were already past the part you were most anxious about.

During the reception, you mostly sit alone,until one little girl came up, she was one of your dad's friend's daughter.She was the ring bearer.


You wave

"My name is Luna"


"I saw you walk down the isle,you seemed really focused.

"Yeah,I was focused, definitely "

You and her talk for almost the whole time

You're pretty much upset when it's over


Momo was getting your hair done and get you into your dress/suit.

She wanted you to look beautiful,but you could care less,you weren't very girly.You were a lot like Jirou.

The music started and Jjrou went down in her suit first,followed by you and Momo.

You were happy to be the flowergirl at your parents wedding.


Mina was getting you ready,she was doing your hair and putting you in your dress,before getting herself ready.

She squealed "my little princess"

Her maid on honor, Momo,reminded her she was getting married in 30 minutes and still not ready

"Sorry Momo,I had to get my daughter ready'

"I get it,now come over here,so I can do your hair and put you in your dress."

You watch as Mina got ready.

She was so giddy.


You were with Eri,she was getting you ready, she was one of Shinsou's groomsmen.

She smiled as getting you hair done,and putting you in your dress/suit.

"You look beautiful"She said.

She was in UA now, class 1-B,but was hoping to do something like recovery girl.She wanted to help people,just like her dads and Shinsou

(((Ok,completed in a little over 3 days,the revision history is above if you don't believe me,this is over 1000 words))

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