Christmas Times Two

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Here's a new one shot to ring in 2021😀

"Hayden....... what are you doing?" Astrid had just come back from doing some final Christmas errands to find her husband acting extremely suspicious.
"Just making sure you're okay," he replied a little too quickly to be believable.
"Uh huh." She looked at him as if he suddenly had two legs again. (I'm very proud of that😆) She put all the bags on the counter, making sure everything inside stayed hidden. Let's just say there were a couple of things she really didn't want him to find before she had time to wrap them.
"So, is there anything I can get you? Goldfish? Soup? Oh maybe I can find that Greek place you were talking about the other day and get-"
"Hayden, I'm pregnant, not an invalid. I could get all that stuff myself if I wanted it," she said, though she was trying not to laugh at the same time. She'd told him she was pregnant just two months ago and ever since he'd become an entirely new level of overprotective.
"Yeah but there's no reason why you need to either," he countered. "Come on, let me take care of you."
"Hayden, you take care of me everyday. Before and after I was pregnant," she replied with a smile. "Besides, how can I wrap your Christmas presents if you're there?"
"Okay, okay, I'll leave you to it," he finally gave in. "But I still might go get food later, and you two will just have to deal." She rolled her eyes but didn't resist when he kissed her. Even though she didn't want to, she eventually pulled away and took the bags upstairs to their bedroom.
She made sure to lock the door behind her so there was no way Hayden could see what she was wrapping. He might know that she was pregnant, but she had purposely not shared how far along she actually was. The reason for that was because she wanted to surprise him with the gender on Christmas Day. He thought they were finding out the week after, but oh was he wrong. Her "errands" were actually a cover up for a doctors appointment to find out if they were having a boy or a girl. After the appointment was over, she went to the store to pick up an outfit in either pink or blue for him to open on Christmas.
"Hey, you locked me out!" Came Hayden's voice outside the door.
"That's kinda the point you dork," Astrid laughed. "You can wait until tomorrow, it won't kill you."
"But you could just open the door and I wouldn't have to."
"Oh my gosh you're worse than a five year old." He must have decided to prove her point further because she heard loud stomping footsteps going back downstairs. She burst out laughing and it took a good five minutes for her to calm down again. "Hayden Haddock don't you dare make me laugh that hard again while I'm pregnant!" She was met by a loud burst of laughter from the living room. She just rolled her eyes and finished wrapping the present, though she was still laughing a little.
(Jump to Christmas morning and the last present)
"Okay, are you ready for the gift you were trying so hard to see yesterday?" Astrid asked, pulling the last box out from under the tree.
"I have to admit I am curious," Hayden replied and attempted to shove Toothless off his lap with zero success. "Really bud?"
"Aww come here Toothless, I'll give you all the attention you want," Astrid gushed, immediately causing the dog to move over to her instead.
"Since my dog so obviously prefers you, I guess the present is my consolation prize."
"Oh I think once the baby is here he'll have a new favorite and it won't be you or me," she added and scratched the dog's ears as he nuzzled her stomach. "Go ahead and open it." It felt like it took hours for him to unwrap the box, but the look on his face was worth the wait.
"Astrid, w-what?" he barely got out.
"I went to a doctor's appointment yesterday and they told me," she said, already crying.
"It's a girl?" Hayden asked, tears now filling his eyes as well.
"It's a girl," Astrid replied and nodded. He pulled her into his lap and she felt his tears on her shoulder. Even though he'd said he would have been happy with either, she knew all along he was hoping it was a girl.
"How did you find out early?" He asked after they'd both stopped crying so much.
"I'm actually not early," she explained, wiping her nose with her sleeve. Hayden gave her a confused look so she continued. "I told you I was a week behind so I could surprise you for Christmas. The results and pictures are underneath the clothes if you want to be sure I'm not just pranking you." He pulled out the tiny onsie and pink bows and then he saw the pictures. As he stared at it, he couldn't help the smile that seemed to be permanently stuck on his face.
"That's our baby girl," he said finally and looked at his wife. "Next Christmas will be even better than this one because we'll have her."
"Aww I love you," Astrid said and practically melted into his arms again. It seemed that Christmas for her little family could only get better every year.

    Only a week late but it's fine😄 Part of the reason this one took awhile to post is one I had inspiration for a different one shot I'm working on, and two I was trying to meet my reading goal for the year. I will say this, if you really want more one shots from me or any other writer, there is a way you can help and that is to write some stories of your own. Reading other people's stories gives me inspiration to write and I'm sure I'm not the only writer that feels this way. I'm sure most of you have ideas, but maybe doubt your ability to write them the way you want. You'll never know until you try. I didn't write for a long time even though I had ideas, but I'm so glad I eventually did. I hope you all have an absolutely amazing 2021, and congrats on surviving 2020!!

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