You Just Know

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    "It's so hot Mama!" Nuffink complained as he got into bed.  It was the dead of summer and New Berk was absolutely miserable.
    "I know sweetie," Astrid said gently, despite how uncomfortable she was herself.  "Do you want to sleep on the balcony with Zephyr?"
    "Yes please!" he said eagerly and jumped out of bed.  Astrid smiled as he jumped on his sister.
    "Now right to sleep you two," she said firmly.  The two quickly stopped playing and lay back on their pillows.  "Goodnight."
    "Goodnight Mama," they said together before Astrid went inside, closing the door behind her.  She sighed heavily before changing out her clothes which were now soaked with sweat.  She grabbed one of her blue sleeveless shirts and an old pair of leggings she had shortened significantly.  Thankfully, their bedroom would be the coolest room in the house thanks to Hiccup.  He had spent the past few days making some sort of air system to keep it from getting too hot.
    "You need help?" She called up as he fitted it into the roof.
    "Nope, I'm almost done," he replied as he secured one of the metal rods to the roof.
    "Nuffink decided he'd rather sleep outside with Zephyr.  Here's hoping they actually sleep instead of just talking."
    "I think once they start to cool down they'll be so tired they won't be able to stay awake," Hiccup replied as he made one last adjustment.  "Okay I think that's it."  He climbed down the ladder and pulled on the rope that made the device start to rotate.  Astrid lay down and sighed when she felt the cool breeze.
    "Babe, you're a genius," she said, not opening her eyes.  Hiccup chuckled and lay down beside her.  She looked over at him and laughed a little.
    "What?" He asked.
    "I'm not used to seeing you without a beard."
    "It's too hot to keep it," he shrugged, absentmindedly rubbing his chin.
    "Well you look great either way, but you're making me look older now," she replied, pretending to be upset.
    "I can fix that," Hiccup said, sitting up and pulling her up as well.  "Turn around."  She shifted so her legs were dangling off her side of the bed.  Hiccup carefully undid her braids and redid it the way she had it ten years ago. "Better?"  She felt her hair and couldn't help smiling.
    "You remembered!"  She turned back to face him.  "I'm really impressed."  Hiccup looked rather proud of himself and pulled her tightly against him.
    "I doubt I'll ever forget," he said softly, kissing her cheek.  She smiled before falling asleep contentedly in his arms.  The next morning, they woke up earlier than Zephyr and Nuffink, but rather than get up, they decided to enjoy this brief time of quiet in the cool morning.  Suddenly Astrid sat bolt upright.
    "Oh my Thor I'm pregnant," she said and stared at her husband in shock.
    "What?!  Do you feel sick or-"
    "No I don't feel anything, but I just know somehow," she said before he could finish.
    "But, how?"  She glared at him as if to say 'seriously?'  "Not that how, I mean how do you know?"  She shook her head.
    "I have no idea, but I feel more confident about this than I did with Zephyr or Nuffink."  That got his attention for sure.
    "I'll go get Gothi," Hiccup said and started to get up.
    "Hiccup, it's not even light yet, let her sleep," Astrid said and pulled him back.  "Besides there's no hurry, if I really am pregnant the baby isn't going anywhere."  He reluctantly agreed, but the minute it started getting light out he went out to get Gothi.  When he got back, Astrid could tell that Gothi was not happy at being woken so early.
    "I tried to stop him," she said apologetically.  Gothi just rolled her eyes before instructing Astrid to lay down so she could check if she was pregnant.  Hiccup stood by anxiously waiting for her answer.  After a few minutes Gothi nodded at Astrid, but it was subtle enough that Hiccup didn't see it.  Gothi went back downstairs without explaining anything to Hiccup.
    "Well?  Are you or aren't you?" he asked impatiently.
    "Let's just say that it's a good thing we have extra rooms because we're going to need them."
    "Yes!" He exclaimed and pulled her up into his arms.
    "Shh you're going to wake up the kids," she laughed.
    "They have to wake up eventually," he replied, still holding her tightly against him.
    "You're such a dork," she said and snuggled against him.  It didn't matter if it was their first child or their third, they were always just as excited to welcome a new member into their family.

    I hope you're all doing well and staying safe.  I've had this one shot ready for awhile but I was so proud of it I didn't want to post it on Instagram because my stories haven't been doing so well there lately.  However, you guys here have been unbelievably supportive so I decided to share it with you first.  I'm working on a multi part one shot about the birth of the baby and I'm hoping to have part 1 up this weekend. 

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