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So, hi?
I basically stopped writing a little over a year ago, not really planning on ever coming back. But when inspiration hits, it hits. So I have some one shots that are almost done but I want to know which you want to see first. Also please excuse any grammar issues or generally just a lower quality of writing than I had before. I didn't really plan on posting these, I just kind of had the ideas and started writing them for fun. So I'm a little rusty. Also I doubt I will continue writing much (if any?) in the future so don't take this as a "yay she's back!" kind of thing. This is as much of a surprise to me as it is to you. Okay anyway, enough rambling, here are your choices:

1) Leaving Behind Our Memories

2) Rebuilding

3) Advice

So let me know which you want to see first and hopefully I'll post it sometime later this week. Again, don't over expect since I mostly wrote these just for me. Anyway, have a wonderful day🥰

Hiccstrid One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now