Meet ____ Haddock part 3

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    A loud scream filled the bedroom.
    "Oh thank Thor," Valka said as she watched the small child scream.
    "It's okay, the baby is okay," Hiccup said, tears of relief streamed down his face.
    "You ready to find out who was right?" Heather asked and the couple nodded eagerly.  She gently took the baby after Ingrid cut the cord.  "You have another daughter."  She placed the screaming baby girl on Astrid's chest and within a minute she started to calm down.
    "Oh I'm so happy to see you," Astrid whispered, taking in every tiny detail of her precious baby girl.  "Look at her, Hiccup.  She's so perfect."  He sat beside her and looked at his daughter's face for the first time.
    "She looks like Zephyr," he said, the proud father smile not leaving his face.  "You were right."
    "Honestly, I'm just glad she's alive," she admitted.
    "Do you know what her name is?" Ingrid asked, smiling at her daughter.  Astrid looked at the baby and thought for a minute.
    "Zara, her name is Zara.  I'm not sure about a middle name though."  She looked up at Hiccup.  "You pick," she said and handed Zara to him.  He stared down at her, trying to think of the right middle name for her.  Then it came to him.
    "Mercy.  Zara Mercy."  Everyone in the room agreed that it was the perfect name for her.   After they made sure everything was cleaned up, the three women left Hiccup and Astrid to bond with their daughter.
    "She's so tiny," Astrid said and played with her little fingers.  Though she desperately wanted to hold her again, this was Hiccup's turn to really get to focus on his daughter.  "Were Zephyr and Nuffink ever this small?"
    "I almost can't remember," he admitted, thinking about how big they'd grown.  "Can you imagine how excited the kids will be to meet her?"
    "Nuffink is going to be such an overprotective big brother," Astrid laughed.  "I don't know how Zephyr is going to like having a sister though.  I think she's going to go through the jealousy thing again.  We both need to be extra gentle with her, at least until she realizes that just because she's not the only girl anymore doesn't mean we love her any less."  Hiccup frowned, but nodded.  He hated the thought of any of their kids feeling unloved, and it was a constant fear for him.
    "I'll make sure to spend extra time with her when I can," he said as he handed Zara back to Astrid.  She squirmed a little and opened her eyes, looking at the strange new world she was in.
    "Good morning baby girl," Astrid said and kissed her forehead.  "Daddy and I are so excited to see you.  Don't scare us like that again."  Zara cried loudly, and it made her parents laugh.
    "She certainly knows how to use those lungs now," Hiccup said and rubbed her head gently.
    "She's probably hungry.  She's been in the world for a whole thirty minutes and she hasn't been fed yet, she's got willpower."  She gently helped her latch, and after a couple of tries she started eating.
    "When do you want to bring the kids to meet her?" Hiccup asked.
    "Maybe tomorrow morning.  I want to enjoy quiet time with just the three of us tonight."  He nodded and carefully sat beside her.  She leaned against his shoulder, exhaustion finally hitting her.  After Zara fell asleep, Hiccup put her in her crib on his side so he could get her if she started crying.
    "Do you need help?" He asked when Astrid started to lay down.  She shook her head but moved very slowly.  He climbed in beside her, and she moved to rest against his arm.  "I'm proud of you," he whispered.  She smiled and closed her eyes.
    "I couldn't have done it without you," she mumbled, starting to drift off.

    Well now you have finally met the third and final child, Zara Mercy Haddock (Z - air - uh).  I picked a name with different possible pronunciations so that's why I included the, hopefully clear, broken down pronunciation😄. I'm so excited you finally get to meet her and now I can start using her in future one shots.  I thought it was appropriate that this part is going up on Mother's Day.  Also, fun fact, there are four spaces in the title for her first name.  Is this the last part?  I guess you'll find out next weekend😉

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